I get that, there is no liberal movement though, just varying degrees of what people find acceptable. I guess without actually asking everyone we will never know but it’s fair to say a heck of a lot of normal everyday folk voted to leave the EU. Without a shadow of doubt fundraisers like this will attract the odd few from that other group though.. is it right to laugh at them I don’t really know, I’ve lost patience trying to hold conversations. if they, whoever they are stopped long enough to realise what this fundraiser is about would it change their views… I very much doubt it ….. and probably for that reason alone I couldn’t care less if it is poking fun at them.
Or maybe it's an uncomfortable truth that the right wing media have invented a 'liberal elite' who sneer at people with different views. You're welcome I can tell you that me and my nearest and dearest don't sneer - we bang our heads. Because it's not a fu cking game - I'm genuinely upset that the actual elite manage to play the masses so easily.
cheers I’ll buy you a beer one day, I do see what you are saying, and the use of the language in many of his fundraisers is aimed at that group. I’ve personally got no truck with it, when Farage got involved in his last one it was genuinely funny, if a so called gammon donated to this under false pretense did they do it because they are uneducated or were too quick to defend there prejudice by confirmation… it’s sad we’ve become so divisive and such a place where people can glory in the suffering of others.. the strap line “we should protect our own first” isn’t happening anyway and never will.. I’ve never seen this fella as someone whose doing it for likes however, that’s something.
I admire the honesty mate - but that's what boils my p**s. The automatic assumption and validation that all people of that view are card carrying, C-18 supporting, knuckledragging racists to be laughed at for our amusement because we're all so much better people than them. Now, lets lambast them for their lack of tolerance. I've ranted too much and made myself look over the top this evening - but the whole binary view of every issue and the derision drives me bonkers and helps no-one.
I'll hold you to that. Used to live on Beachamp Avenue in Pompey and always plan to return one day as the child of a Naval family!
It was comment not a critique of your post or any suggestion you support the government like the ‘caring and good’ intolerants you are desperate to be tolerant of
I wouldn't put it quite like that, but I would look suspiciously at anybody who thinks British people are intrinsically more worthy of help than Afghans, and that's definitely what the line suggests. It doesn't help that pretty much everybody I've heard use it couldn't give a toss about the homeless or poor no matter where they come from, but that's strictly anecdotal!
If you donate to a page and can't be bothered reading the 2 paragraphs in plain site clearly explaining what it actually is you are donating to, then yes there is a very good chance you are probably quite thick. No personal responsibility for anything anymore.