I’d say a new stadium would be more likely than that happening. The council wouldn’t get the funding for a road if the business case was just to provide access to Oakwell. Unless that whole area was being developed to provide housing/employment, there’s no chance.
Would be a damn sight cheaper I reckon, for the owners to provide funding as a private rd. . ( some of the training ground covers the land if required. Bottom pitch for example) If planning permission was given. Than the cost of a brand new stadium and all that goes with it. Access etc. I don’t know if it’s a viable concept, an highways eng. could possibly answer that one.
I wonder how Arsenal went on yesterday due to lack of stewards, if ALL clubs are having the same problem? There looked to be a full ground yesterday, is that about 60,000 ? And funnily enough the gate on Beevor Court was open before and after the recent game and nobody "on guard" as far as I could see. Where exactly is the road blocked off? There's a few barriers on Pontefact Road and a couple of stewards, or whatever they are called, but people were walking past them and up the embankment through the trees and gap in the fence.
There has been two yellow jacketed staff at the top of Beevor Court at 3ach of the two home games....or there was when I walked past.
I agree mostly with the statement, however i cant see the logic in closing access via beevor court to foot traffic, thus limiting the exits routes for fans following a report into a tragic event where people werent able to leave quickly.. surely opening to pedestrian traffic would make sense to ensure a speedy exit in the event such a terrible occurance happened.. instead of forcing everyone into fewer pinch points which could worsen the situation?
Hmm so firstly before I get my head bitten off this presumably is the least bad alternative in the eyes of the safety team but this is an internet discussion board and would be a bit of a dull place if we just unquestionably accepted everything the club said without debate. My feeling also is this isn't the clubs idea anyway - I am guessing its come from SYP and if you are suggesting that we take all their decisions as being the best for all concerned without question I cant agree with you. There is no doubt that this causes much more congestion around the ground before and after the games which is hard to reconcile with being a safety improvement. Radical idea why not designate it as an ERP and in the event of a major issue close it then and allow only the emergency services to use it but the rest of the time leave it open with a steward who can block it off in an emergency - I am wondering why that wouldn't be better than the current idea which I guess is now permanent. I am curious as stated in my OP if other clubs - especially those outside South Yorkshire are similarly affected - I assume all have to now have an ERP - I wonder how they are handling it
I wonder what they do at places like Hillsborough where there are no big car parks around the ground to close off.
Really good statement, clear and concise. Getting away from Oakwell by car has been a problem since the 1970s,nothing new.
Suspect that they'd use that park behind main stand (River side) maybe..... Would be interesting to find out how other local clubs compare
All seems pretty straightforward to me. Brexit and Covid are having an impact on most entertainment/ hospitality venues.
I think this is a pretty poor effort by the club. Is it beyond the wit of man to enlarge the access road and waiting area at Beevor Court/back of the East Stand? This will compound the problems which were instigated by the inappropriate siting of the 'fan zone'. The feeding of the traffic from the East Stand car park in to the general melee that exists with traffic waiting to exit from the South Stand car park will surely test the patience of those still entitled to park behind the East Stand. For those approaching the ground on foot from town the continuing disruption/re-routing still exists after 2+ years. BMBC considered the football club such an important asset to the town that they bought in to the ground and facilities to help preserve it. I find it hard to believe that the club could not have been more proactive in engaging with the council to alleviate the problems for supporters. As for stewarding, staff will be available if appropriate remuneration is on offer.
I can't say I agree or am particularly happy with all those reasons but that is top notch communication and really explains everything quite well
I'd quite like to see a report printed which outlines where each football League clubs emergency rendezvous point is. For example where is Rotherham's? There is currently long term bridge repair work going on on don street which means their ONLY access to the stadium is via New York way. This hasn't been closed to fans for obvious reasons which means there is NO ERP next to the ground yet we have to have one. What's the difference? The yellow is pedestrian access, red is vehicular the no entry sign indicates long term closure for repair work. So where can emergency vehicles go? Main Street is the equivalent of Pontefract road.
Don Street isn't closed. https://www.themillers.co.uk/news/2...on-street-only-for-sheffield-wednesday-clash/
The rest of don street is, it's undergoing long term works at the moment. By the way the image (including lines) that I attached is from Rotherham's website last month detailing their access though they obviously included wrong information. Either way there's no dedicated route to the stadium for emergency vehicles is there? Because of the river Don to one side and railway line to the other then the stadium is essentially a peninsula with just two access roads, one is don street the other New York way. The link you provided says that both are to be used by supporters to access the stadium which begs the question how have they got round it? It isn't a criticism of the club because I don't believe for one minute that it's a club decision. I think it's more like something that's been 'heavily suggested' to us from the powers that be and we've simply had to agree to it. My annoyance at the decision rests firmly with those who continually enforce restrictions on bfc