The one that got away! cheers for the reply I kinda knew you wouldn’t be able to tell or would I expect you too interesting theme though for the new lads, the town has some amazing places to use
Spoilsport. Can we play the yes/no game where we all ask questions but can't outright guess a name and u have to answer truthfully. Just to add to the rumours?
He's the first player to pull such a stunt, since Harrison Manzala. Although with him, we actually did the media stuff. No player will ever beat Mads Andersen for the pure joy from a new signing. He was in awe of the club, the people, Oakwell, everything. So happy to sign for BFC. But in fairness, he's one of the most upbeat individuals you could ever meet. And he's back running and should be pushing for his place back next month. Huge player for us.
Even though I've never met him, I posted similar glowing tributes to him on here when he first joined. It's the way he came across in his first interview.