Thanks to @Gally and @Hicksy for feeding back the headlines on this one. Red All Over filmed the night and the local press were there so it will be covered tomorrow as well no doubt (plus what was said on Radio Sheffield earlier). Trust update here -
Thanks for that loko and to gally and hicksy too. Any idea what the bit about the stadium means? The insurance and things? And do you happen to know if he ruled out moving to another stadium as wel as ruling out building a new one?
Update from acting CEO Paul Conway Earlier this evening Barnsley FC’s acting CEO and co-chairman, Paul Conway, met with the media and members of various supporter groups in an open forum to discuss recent news from Oakwell and the start to the new season. A more detailed full update will follow in the coming days from various sources, but headlines are listed below: Dane Murphy came to Barnsley Football Club on a fixed term Visa which had expired, allowing him to leave his role and join Nottingham Forest without having to work a notice period Brexit has had a detrimental impact on getting International clearance for Oulare and Iseka. It’s an unclear picture but both players were cleared to join before we ran in to issues. Dealing with the Home Office can be frustrating, but when we send players abroad the visas are sorted literally the next day, yet when we bring players here getting answers from the Home Office is extremely difficult. There is no reason why these players shouldn’t have clearance by now. We find it strange that Premier League clubs don’t have the same problem, but perhaps they have a better relationship with the Home Office than we have at this moment in time The ultimate goal for everyone is for Barnsley FC to continue playing their football at Oakwell. The dispute around investment in to the stadium when we’re currently tenants continues, but as a club we’ve highlighted to the council what we’d like to do with the facilities if we owned the property Buying Oakwell outright is currently on hold due to not being able to get clear title. Several insurance companies have refused to give title insurance on a potential sale, but money was paid in to escrow to buy the ground share so the appetite to own the stadium is there. No interest in building another stadium in Barnsley and looking to work with ground owners in other ways to improve facilities We’re still in discussions with the Cryne Family to resolve recent challenges, but this has no impact on James Cryne’s continuous involvement with the football club The money paid to the Cryne family in the last set of accounts was part of the agreement on the original deal. No further comment was made We’re still active in the transfer market and hope to bring in one, if not two, new signings before the window closes. No star players will be sold this window. Offer has been made to Romal for a new contract You can also find Paul Conway’s interview with Radio Sheffield, filmed earlier today, by clicking here and skipping to the 48 minute mark. We’d like to extend our thanks to Paul Conway and the media
Full interview now up on Andy giddings Twitter. (His section anyway) Conwy says they plan to stay at oakwell but it needs improvements and now up to the owners to do (so council basically). Said the club have shown their plans to the council and working on it with them. Didn’t sound majorly confident
Nobody wants to leave Oakwell. It's too expensive to build another ground in Barnsley, there isn't a need to, and staying is the ultimate and universal goal of everyone.
I'm sure if all parties work together then I'm sure an agreeable outcome will be reached. As you say, I don't think it's in anyones interest to leave Oakwell.
Yep. It seems to be expired every time we go to use the website! Above my pay grade that one. Tech is Gally's speciality (responsibility).
Now if we were in Richmond the Government would be throwing money at the Council to spend on whatever they want in terms of civic improvements. I'm sure a new grandstand would fit into this category.