All non urgent blood tests across England will be cancelled until mid September and they expect the shortage to last for months. All hospitals have to cut back by 25%. ‘The shortage has arisen because Becton Dickinson, the NHS’s main supplier of blood collection tubes, has not been able to keep up with demand for its products. A company spokesperson also cited other reasons. “In addition to increased demand, we are seeing continued transportation challenges that have affected all industries, including port and transport capacity, air freight capacity and UK border challenges. Suppliers are also challenged to meet increased demand for raw materials and components,” they said.’ Why will no one ever say the B word? In other medical related news too:
We took back control in order to have less control. Obvious at the time, obvious now but it'll be blamed on covid.
Well done all those who voted leave. Hope you are all proud of yourselves and things look to get worse
Wait till Xmas and there's a shortage of turkeys or there's a price hike. Even the die hards will know there's something not quite right then. Mind you, then again, I'm sure it could be spun so Corbyn is to blame....perhaps he was part of an anti Semitic plot to buy up all the poultry so all the Jewish people would starve to death...
As you know Ian, I understand the Scot Nat position and feel that in the long term Scotland would be able to cope (probably admirably) with independence, but I'd like to make a couple of points....if this problem were Brexit related, Scotland would have to be prepared to address similar issues on attaining independence...and reconcile them as to whether it's a price worth paying for political independence. The other point is that there actually is a world shortage of vials as this article tries to explain. Perhaps with hindsight your comment might be slightly uncharitable?
"This article was based on news articles, blogs and other online resources" I bet it was - interesting that they're not referenced though. Have you checked out the author? The whole article reads like SEO, and the last time the ISM updated their 'overview' document was in 2015.
I know mate sorry... the point I was trying to make was that blaming Brexiteers (if this is caused by brexit) seemed a little harsh when supporters for Scots independence are going to happily vote to have the same uncertainties and possible difficulties.
No sorry mate the Scots who vote for independence will be voting on the certainty of no more Tory / Westminster rule by toffs who are totally incompetent and do not give a flying fk about us Scots. There will be problems, I admit but those pale into insignificance when compared to the problems being imposed by Westminster and those Eton upper class maggots.
Can't help thinking paying wagon drivers a better wage and giving them better working conditions ( no stupid delivery times and 'contracts') would surely help a bit though