Yep, answering the phone and replying to queries shouldn't be variables, they're the basics of the service they provide. I've no idea who your mums ended up with, but a complaint should definitely happen. Don't forget though, make sure you still pay your bill when it's due, cos if your complaint goes to deadlock the legal ombudsman will see that you've stuck to your side of the contract.
We are using Beaumont Legal for our house sale, they are absolutely shocking and don’t answer any emails or respond to messages. If it gets any worse I will have to use Clinton Baptiste to get in touch with them as I am certain that’s the only way I will get through to them. There is no chain as we are looking to go into rental prior to moving to Italy and the buyers are cash buyers. This has been ongoing now for 12 weeks and I am at the end of my tether with the whole process
It can be horrific our solicitor was great and I always got a response within 24 hours by email. The others in the chain not so good. My solicitor would copy me into emails to see he was sending and getting no response for days. I think the sector is a joke really. Just seems like a exercise in extracting money at the same time as increasing stress.
Hi mate let me know if you want me to connect you with one of ours (we have lots ! ) and I will make sure you get looked after
It's been driven down by such a focus on fees that a lot of the time it's a sweatshop of paralegals being overseen by a small number of solicitors. The solicitors will avoid your calls because frankly they won't have a clue off the top of their head what is going on due to the sheer volume of files they're overseeing. Conveyancing solicitors do much more work (and work which is more important in the context of buying a house) than estate agents but tend to get a fair bit less in return. If fees are driven down to the point where they're paid peanuts, you're gonna get a fair number of monkeys.
I'm probably naive on the subject and I'm sure it has a place but for most buyers it just appears to be paying for a load of checks and searches. All of which have almost certainly been carried out nunerous times for every house on the street you are buying on. Of course properties should be inspected, but at a certain point it really does just seem to be a exercise in bureaucracy.