Hristov. I mean we spent soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much dosh on him I thought he would be good for 30+ goals a season.
I don"t think Geoff Thomas never let us down & I liked him, unlike his namesake Luke Thomas who promised so much after his Fulham debut but has gone steadily downhill ever since.
Yup. Carried him. Highest level he has performed at. Except top Micky mouse leagues. Far too many errors. 1st div at best. Career says it all for me. My opinion of course.
Chris Lumsden was the new Messiah on loan. What a baller. Then he turned into George Weah's cousin when we signed him.
The one I had high hopes of. Tremendous as a youngster. One of ( if not ) the best I've ever seen at intermediate level. Quality in spades. R N Lazarus.
Wen hassel played against chelsea in the famous 1.0 win wa best game i ever saw him play, i tbink he played defensive midfielder,always amazes me that players can raise there games wen playin a big game.if any of us could put a red shirt on we might not be the best but we'd all run our blood to water,can people remember wen we played man utd and them 2 fans ran on pitch,1crossed it and other volleyed it,keeper tried saving it got nowhere near,all ground cheered,i took a penalty against andy rhodes during a reserve game and he saved it,2hat.
Stuart Rimmer, I remember the keen sense of anticipation when we signed him, the prospect of a 20-goals-a-season striker only to realise he was a 2-goals-a-season striker that only lasted 4 or 5 games.... At the other end of the spectrum, when we signed Andy Rammell, which was just after I started work at Jaguar and a lad in our office told me that he played with Rambo at Nuneaton and that despite being signed by Man U, 2nd division was probably beyond his ability. So there's me thinking we'd signed a duffer and he proved to be a decent striker in a decent team.
Brian McCord. Great on loan awful when we signed him. Stuart Rimmer. Scored a million goals for everyone except us. Ditto Mark Stallard. Malik Wilks. - thought he was a great signing. Might prove me right eventually shame it’s not with us. Paul McGugan. I thought he was a donkey but gradually came to love him. Danny Wilson as manager. Remember ringing my mate and saying typical tarn going for the cheap option. Carl Tiler. I thought he would play for England. Sean Dunphy. I thought he could replace Carl Tiler. Andy Saville. Always scored against us not many for us. Sean McClare. Thought he had potential. Too many to choose really.
You can add Paul Digby to that short list Edit: Replied to wrong post this was a reply to the RN Lazarus post ... doh
I won Richardson's shirt once in a raffle. No idea where it is, think I might have left it in my old house when we moved.
I loved Andy Saville! Maybe it's the rose tinted glasses of my school days, but I genuinely thought he was a great player. Not prolific, but brought others into the game and ran tirelessly.