i, personally am not gay, ( its bad enough women telling me to **** off never mind men ) and to be quite honest its got nothing whatsoever to do with me what anyones sexuality is, that is their lifestyle choice, live and let live is what i say but i am a bit worried because as i've got older me and a few friends have started wearing lovely red shirts, hanging around with each other bi-weekly ( Bi, oooo-eeerrrr matron) and watching young men in shorts run around and get sweaty.........................
Aren't we/ don't we all? Mind you the wife does get annoyed if I have a go at the draft excluder if we've got company
My guilty pleasure is that I enjoy Bananarama and George Michael (not at the same time obviously….. although) Does that make me gay?
Saved me the trouble. I looked up 'gay' in the dictionary and there was a picture of you, Kev, wearing lycra.
I can’t bloody stand the Pet Shop Boys. & not just because they denied the Pogues a Christmas number one. See? I’m actually homophobic..!