If you need to generate more revenue to pay for social care then tax your buddies you corrupt basta.rd Yours The nation
What ever happened to the £350 million a week we were apparently paying to the EU that was going to fund the NHS? Would this not have covered this cost or was it all bull$hit
It's not 'the nation' though, sadly. Because they were voted in by the majority of the nation and still have a healthy lead in the opinion polls. I agree with the sentiment though.
Sorry to be pedantic, but they weren’t voted in by a majority of the nation. They weren’t even voted in by a majority of the people that bothered to vote.
Wasn't even the majority of those that bothered to vote, just the majority of seats which is nowhere near the majority of voters
They were voted in by an outdated and corrupt electoral system, one which is this week about to become even more corrupt when they enact voter id measures and rig the constituency boundaries again.
Taxation does not pay for social care - Neither does national insurance. Taxation is the governments method of controlling inflation by destroying the currency that it creates from the central bank. The government could fund anything it chooses to fund, for as long as it chooses to fund it - however, putting too much money out into circulation leads to inflation, then hyperinflation and a collapse in the economy. It is a balancing act.
Pity they can’t sort everybody out, start with the tax dodging millionaires and multi nationals , then work their way down until they get anybody who is effectively picking the pocket of the law abiding folk of the country.
As a pensioner I believe we ought to pay for social care with income tax. However, employer do not pay income tax so the percentage increase on income tax would be higher than for National Insurance. We know how difficult it is to get companies to pay corporation tax. I know I will be in a minority here but what is wrong with someone who has the money or assets to pay for their care using that money to pay for their care, rather than saying "I do not want to use my money to pay for my care, I would rather someone else paid for it.". I am not talking about dementia/altheimers here, that is a disease/illness and should be covered by the NHS like other illnesses.
So if you have **** loads of money and have the guidance to secure your assets in trust funds that's sound. If your average Joe Bloggs who tried to better yourself by doing what Maggie encouraged buy your own home. Then this is OK to pay for your care costs. If you never worked or did and didn't save for the future and your assets are nil . Then no money to pay for care costs. Moral to this is piss it up the wall while your here spend any inheritance that can be took. Anyone for Witherspoons tomoro ?
Yeah let’s get single parents on minimum wage to fund social care for those with property worth millions. Great plan.
This government is actually taking the p*ss out of the public. It's criminal what they're getting away with.
Those with substantial funds will get the guidance to protect the inheritance, trust funds are the key . Look into this it's worth protecting your kids inheritance by setting up through a solicitor. The average Joe Bloggs may not be aware.
I agree the funds should come from taxpayers,the more you earn the more tax would be collected. Simple idea. Oh wait a minute we can't be taxing the wealthy that would be unethical.
Johnson’s government surely has to be the most corrupt government for generations A gangster cabal of greed and twisted opportunism with a narcissistic sociopath at its helm. A monstrous government
There needs to be a massive increase to inheritance tax. We don't want to kick people out of their homes when they are ill but we need to tax the massive windfalls & stop them ending up as rentals.