The "Vulnerable" today is around 2 million in the UK - not including those who live with them. But people who aren't vulnerable today suddenly find they are tomorrow. Anyone with a cancer diagnosis would have to isolate for the duration of their treatment (~370,000 per year in the UK). Same with anything else that makes them vulnerable. Anyone young would be effectively forced out of the job market and have to live in isolation for the rest of their days. So how would it work?
Just out of interest, when are they planning the October lockdown exactly? Sorry I used the word "planning" I meant to say; "Just out of interest, when are we bumbling into the October lockdown exactly?"
Dramatic much? Isn't all the above the case whether it's a full national lockdown or one just focused on the vulnerable?
People who have lost loved ones to this virus & the overwhelmed N.H.S. staff really love fkers like you & your ilk , you uncaring ****er
They've all been double jabbed so unless the vaccines are ***** then they won't need to. Anyhow I've done my bit been through the lockdowns had the jabs etc, there's no chance of me taking part in another if people want to thats there problem let them isolate.
Just a gentle reminder that there are some in society who have zero protection through no fault of their own despite having had both vaccines. And once they have the third one in the coming weeks, they'll have pretty much zero protection after about a fortnight again. I don't expect much of people. Staying at least 2 metres away in wide open spaces is too much of a loss of civil liberty for some.
being double vaccinated doesn’t stop you getting ill. And in some cases very ill. When I had it a few weeks ago my oxygen stats hovered around 86 for a couple of days. 85 gets you hospitalised. I’m reasonably fit through plenty of walking and cycling though a bit overweight. Can see the I’m alright Jack attitude making vulnerable people feel even more vulnerable. I don’t see the need for a lockdown but of course there will be a tipping point for NHS services where it come become necessary and I would imagine that mask mandates in public spaces may come back soon.
what I don’t understand is how you focus a lockdown on vulnerable people. Do all the people they come into contact with also need to lockdown and here I’m talking about carers, care workers, NHS workers and other services not Bobby popping round for a chat.
I think we should close down the pubs in October for two weeks, bang a pan and light a candle and see if it brings anyone back.
As I've said before, I'm not on a taskforce or employed to spend 40+ hours are week solving that exact riddle. But taking my grandparents as an example, when they isolated they didn't come in to contact with anyone else. So what difference would it have made on them if there were still hospitality venues, independent businesses, and crowds at events? Sure it wouldn't be 100% perfect, and there might have to be exceptions/consideration, but another lockdown really shouldn't be a consideration at this stage. We'll be back to 'just another two weeks to flatten the curve' and then we'll be at Christmas and the PM saving the turkey again. The cost of businesses shutting down completely for two weeks just gets swept under the carpet.
No contact? How did they get food and access services then? It's alright people saying lets just lock the vulnerable up but it isn't as simple as that. It's a bit like me saying we should sign Messi then when people ask me how I just shrug and say not my job, just get it done. Maybe it isn't doable and there lies the answer. I don't want or think a lockdown is the answer by the way, but the amount of people in work that are vulnerable can't shield forever.
We all have vested interests to be fair and all for the right reasons. Whether that is paying our mortgages, protecting friends and family, preserving our own wellbeing and health.