Sorry BS, wasn't a dig. It's hit another nerve with this government. His statement can see many nodding their heads and tbh it sounded well intentioned. As soon as starmer stood up and ripped him a new one, and then all the backbenchers chip in, and giving it the once over myself, it's still a case of southern Tory lovely people * looking after southern Tory lovely people * Expect the ******* * swear filter to intervene when in reality it should be shown for the lovely people * they are
My preferred option is a 100% inheritance tax on everything except a single residence, but looking at our MPs I suspect the chances of anything like that is close to zero!
With every passing day I question whether to carry on living in this sewer of a country. It’s only my sickly parents that keep me here.
Tories protect capital . The more you have the more your looked after . They don't have a tree as their emblem for nothing and if your a little sapling forget it . I'm going to guess this deal is a done deal btw . Despite the rank hypocrisy of it all Johnson has such a majority it ll go through . Maybe a few Tory rebels to give everyone the impression of resistance but otherwise it's a great deal for the wealthiest in society .
I think to mean cùnts. The cùnts that the Tory cùnts are. The corrupt evil Tory cùnts. Glad to be of service
Lol... You guessed right. But my dad reads this site, so I'm sure he will appreciate the filter rather than me coming out with the C word
Tbf, it's the only word I try and restrain myself from saying in front of him. Seems to be ok with everything else, I just don't feel right if that one slips lol
That's the point I was making earlier about the insecurity of renting. It has its place but its rubbish that in a nation of homeowners some people, no matter how hard they work, will always be at the mercy of landlords.
The government doesn't claim tax in order to pay for things - that is NOT the purpose of taxation in a sovereign nation with its own currency. Margaret Thatcher told a monstrous neoliberal lie when she said that the economy worked like a household budget, and yet, 50 years later, we still fall for that lie. The government creates money by typing numbers into a computer at the Bank of England and then spends it into the economy. That is the simple description of how it works. Tax has its purposes, and I am all in favour of taxing wealthy people, but not because it pays for stuff. We are perpetuating this myth while the Tories laugh in our faces for falling for it. Please learn how it really works, and then we can ask them why in hell's name they're not spending money on the things that matter to us.
mebbe so, but generally speaking they will have worked hard and likely suffered financial hardship to get to that stage. I know we did.
For sure. Don't have an issue at all with folk who own a house to live in. I just think that it's important to understand that it makes you fairly well off in the scheme of things.
To be fair you would have thought that the higher income would be contributing to the I'm certain that most of us that as put the extra miles in, also cut our cloth accordingly to pay for the biggest asset we could have in our home ,dwelling investment ,what ever we call it. We did not do this to make sure we have enough funds in the future to finance our own care costs. We worked our f......... socks off to get the mortgage paid off and went without many luxuries for this reason. That is my main reason for protecting our biggest asset others are flippant about having. Maybe I got it wrong and should live for today and spend it as it comes in. And I do understand its very difficult for low incomes to get on the property ladder ,the reason I find It appaling that they should be expected to fund the elderly . There as to be a fairer way to fund social care. Interesting I watched this mornings news where the politician (non tory) was asked the same question 3 times ,how would you fund the social care. She dodged the question each time. This is a problem that as been around for years ,I remember John Major once saying , care costs should not be financed by selling homes,I may have got this wrong ,it was a few years back.
Surely the treasury could raise a bit more by including the millions of us retired folks with reasonable occupational pensions. We pay income tax so why are we not being able asked to contribute to something which will may gain the "benefit" from a lot sooner than those just embarking on the great adventure called work? I am sure that many people of my age who remain in work are not doing it because the enjoy work, they are working to make ends meet. The will have to pay the new "levy" (let's sweeten the pill by not calling it a tax, it may fool a few people) yet those of us with an income sufficient to enable us to avoid work in our later years are contributing nothing. It is also another kick in the teeth from Bozo the Clown and his mates for those in employment and in receipt of the so called Universal Credit, who are having their income cut by £20 a week in the very near future. Another example of Levelling Up...... or is it Levelling Down?
Javid has just said on LBC that the promised £350m per week NHS brexit bonus HAS been spent on the NHS. Now I’m no mathematician but really??? Does anybody believe this garbage?
Interesting that the figure quoted on the BBC this morning to "fix" the HNS and social care of £36bn is almost precisely what bojo gave to Dido Harding last year for a track and trace system not fit for purpose..... So, claw it back and there's be no need to raise NI. Simple....
the thing is though, you have to realise we started with nothing ( no inheritance etc) both worked hard, missed out on a lot of the foreign holidays and nights out, new tellies etc that others were indulging in, that it is so fking annoying when those same people start belting on about using the result of that graft to fund social care for yourself , while they enjoy the same benefits with little or no input. Sorry if that sounds callous but that’s the way it is.