Anyone else, a fan? Classic telly for me. Just chanced on a free view episode. 2nd series, the one where Oz chins Big Baz.. went looking for the dvd box set, found amazingly quickly, given state of new house. On now from top. Wish I had more beer. Coincidentally, only a couple of bottles of Newky Brown. Ah well..
Loved watching it as a kid. I came across on the drama channel. I saw it from the start when the guys had just arrived in Dusseldorf.
Takes me back to 1984, loved it, still do today even if some of the plot lines are a bit far fetched.
Huge fan. I started watching it with my parents just as series 3 came out. Got the DVD box sets while I was at Uni. Missed my first week back as I'd been binge watching them through the night and became sleep deprived
One of my favourite programmes from the eighties very funny and most of them went on to bigger things. Also a big shout out to Minder use to love that aswell.
By coincidence Mr. C,, me and the missus have just started watching it all again from the very beginning. Brilliantly funny.
The problem with watching it on any of the UK TV Play channels is that they broadcast them in the day time and every episode is cut to shreds so that we are not "offended" by any language or attitudes of the time which, lets face it, is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff that gets broadcast on terrestrial tv these days. I love the programme and have watched every episode several times over. It was originally on Central TV and then it moved to the BBC. I've manged to pick up the box sets of S1, S2 and S3 but am still looking in the charity shops for 4 and 5. You can watch the whole thing on an online service called Video Daily Motion, subscription free and they are totally uncut. Any Facebook users on here might be interested that there are several fan groups on there and, unlike most football groups, they are generally populated by intelligent, informed fans of the programmes. I get daily updates showing stills, video clips and good banter bouncing quotes of each other. Good fun mostly but my only gripe with some of them is that the story died after the Spanish episodes and Series 3 onwards should never have been made. This is absolute tripe, obviously. The quality of acting and the locations used is just fantastic, especially S3 which sees the lads supervise the dismantling of the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge and re-assemble it over a canyon in Arizona, at the request of a Native American tribe who need a bridge across it. Probably the best comedy drama of all time for me and, as I said, I have seen it all over and over. It never gets stale