spend the half time break sat in the dug out?I’m on holiday at the moment in Northumberland but read reports of him doing the above?Can someone please verify one way or the other?
It's weird because I keep reading "a lot of people at the match said they saw him sat in the dugout" yet I've only actually seen one person say THEY saw him. I'd have thought that in a small stand with people crammed together word would have got round quite quickly and many would have seen him
Apparently it's true that he spent a sizeable chunk of half time sat in the away dug out not giving a team talk to get us back in the game.
One poster has written it on here. Others have said they have heard it to be true. Dont think it would stand up in a court of law though.
Are you referring to dream boy? Yesterday he said 'it's true', today he has said 'apparently it's true', so a very flimsy witness statement from someone who wasnt at the game. I must say when I read his comment 'it's true' I assumed he had been at the game and seen it with his own eyes.. Apparantly someone saw Schopp carrying a paddleboard on Bournemouth beach at half time, absolutely shocking if true..
I heard he just went to the seafront to see he could get a different view from that hot air balloon thingy they have there!
On another thread, someone posted a link to a Twitter account for someone who a few have described as wouldn’t make it up. I still find it hard to believe that there would have been around 9k in that stadium and no one pictured and posted in this day and age.
Yep Andy on Twitter confirmed it. When another fan asked, enraged, 'what, the whole of half time??!!', Andy replied 'some of it, yeah.' So was it a minute or 14? Hmm
Have I imagined it or did someone say on here a fair while ago that managers dont start their team talk for a good 5 minutes into half time anyway? I seem to recall that the players have 5 minutes to go to the toilet, get any quick treatment etc and then the manager calls them over for a team talk. Could have completely imagined it though
I doubt this is true but I do think the idea that manages give pre-game and half time team talks to be mainly fictional
[QUOTE=" Apparantly someone saw Schopp carrying a paddleboard on Bournemouth beach at half time, absolutely shocking if true..[/QUOTE] Might as well have done
Just watched a video that clearly shows Schopp coming out ten minutes after half time to talk to Iseka. As you'd expect when he's being brought on. Can we put paid to this silly rumour rather than repeating it in every thread?