Just seen a sky news article on the mass annual hunt of dolphins that has led to the pointless slaughter of nearly 1500 dolphins. How and why is this practice still carried out today? Barbaric and horrific act carried out in the name of tradition. The only positive thing to happen to this planet will be when human kind cease to exist on it. When will we as a species realise that other animals and beings have as much right to be here as we do? Link below to article (with a video that i dare not watch) http://news.sky.com/story/anger-as-...ed-in-annual-faroe-islands-slaughter-12407693
It really is disgusting. On a related note, have you watched Seaspiracy on Netflix? It’s a hard watch and some stuff is probably not 100% accurate but I’ve sworn off eating fish entirely after seeing it.
Just a couple of weeks after the Moray pod were instrumental in saving a swimmer in distress off Fenit. Two species, just one prone to barbarism.
Vile, barbaric and pointless. Imagine waking up and thinking "ooh great, time to personally slaughter a few dozen intelligent creatures today".
If there is an island people that’s inbred it’s the Faroese islanders . Absolute heathens and they deserve protests at every sporting event the partake in . I’m surprised this hadn’t happened to be fair .
Horrible for us to see, and apparently totally outside their normal procedures, i.e. too few trained slaughterers, but don't we do the same with cows, sheep and pigs? Not defending it like, just saying.
Yes we do, but the irony will be lost on most. If people saw images of piled up pigs that are slaughtered daily for a bit of bacon from Asda, people may think twice about being part of the practice (I would hope). Or maybe they wouldn't bat an eye lid..
Do we? I've never read anywhere that a herd of 1500 wild cattle animals have been ritualistically massacred by a mob of people in the UK.
Is that better, to be bred to be slaughtered, or just be randomly slaughtered, like for example in the "Great War".
So breeding for slaughter is okay? When you choose a lifestyle that doesn't contribute to the murder of animals for your own indulgence, you realise how insane that ethos is. And that's not a personal dig at you, it's at people generally that eat meat and get up in arms about this sort of thing and fail to see the irony, or try and argue that it's not the same and that killing dolphins is bad/killing for meat is ok. [I know I'm in a minority]
The Channel 4 news presenter didn’t lay a finger on the Faroe Island fisherman being interviewed, he really couldn’t see what the fuss was about casually explaining that you can cut a dolphins head off and the nerves in the dolphins body will still make it move , unbelievable