Dodgy leg at the minute - hamstring tendonitis - but picked a bloody reight day to do Snowdon. Ranger Path. Dog dragged us up. So come on tarn - I've put a shift in today.......will you?
About 45 mins 'queue' to get to the trig point for the obligatory snap, but if you just want to circle the summit and drink in the views, you can bypass all that malarkey, as we did. We were early - left car park at 9am - but it was pretty busy then at top. Can only imagine what it's like up there in peak summer!! Just enjoying a nice ice-cold pint or three in Llanberis.
You picked a good day for it. I've done it about 5 times and only had a view twice. The Rhyd Ddu path is my favorite route up. We once did it in horizontal rain and 60mph gusts on the summit. Fortunately the wind was blowing us in to the mountain and not off it. If we had seen the weather forecast we would have waited a day. Going up the Zig Zags we meet 2 lads coming down in T shirts, training shoes and shorts. No map, compass or waterproofs. They asked if they were on the Miners Path which is the other side of the mountain. The last we saw of them they were heading back to the summit. Mountain Rescue took 20 people of the mountain that day.
No, played it safe on the Ranger's Path. Much better than the Llanberis - can't imagine how that gets with the crowds. Some of those drops are
2 paths start from Pen Y Pass (Capel Curig to Llanberis Road) - Miners Track follows the valley bottom and lakes - Crib Coch (Red Comb) is the stiffest walk along the tops of the peaks. Both paths join up at the Zigzags which take you up to the Railway and then a short walk to the summit. The Welsh for Snowdon is Yr Wyddfa and there are moves to only use the Welsh name not the Anglicized version. (and to be a tad pedantic - you only ever 'Walk' up Snowdon never 'Climb' it )
I nailed the Shard. Was ok up the elevator, took it easy. Had a wee whilst trying to locate new White Hart Lane. Wee'd on shoe. You Reds
How does one define climbing then? You can't get from the Pyg track up to Crib Gogh on foot. Scrambling up that steep face, you have to at some point pull your body weight up with your arms at some point. As an aside, how would one (using english phonetic examples) pronounce Yr Wyddfa and does it mean anything translatable? Come to that, what about Rhyd Ddu (the path I went up on my last ascent <- note carefully chosen word)?
Nice one. To do it at the best of times takes some doing. With whatever the hell hamstring tendonitis is sounds like a nightmare so well played. Dog looks well proud of itself too
It's an absolute *******. Funnily enough, it's okay walking, but sitting/lying down takes a bit to get comfortable...