So the climate is being destroyed by excess C02 emissions and now our nation is about to be crippled by a C02 shortage. We rely on one company which is offshore in the EU to provide 60% of our C02. Now we can't get our hands on it and if we do it'll cost a fortune. Energy prices across the board are going to sky rocket, yet other Brexit promise in tatters. Didn't those in government realise that when leaving the EU we'd be leaving the EU energy tariff union as well? This is a matter of national security, so typically Johnson and chums failed to act. If we had a shortage of methane we'd be fine, the entire cabinet could power the globe for decades.
Haven't you worked out out yet? They are only interested in themselves. They don't give a flying fig about anyone in this country unless they can get a backhander off them. Oh, and again if you hadn't realised, brexit was another money making Tory scam
If only there were some sort of large market we could be a member of where we could buy it without tariffs etc!
It's used in carbonated drinks including beer and lager, humane slaughter of animals and also food packaging.
Surely there must be some in India, Brazil or New Zealand we can get hold of; how difficult can it be to get it here compared with getting it from Belgium?
One of the reasons of the shortage. I kid ye not. The World Cup. It caused a spike in sales of drinks that use the stuff.
It's used as an inert gas to expel oxygen from packaging, a propellant for keg beers (lagers in particular), it provides the fizz in soft drinks and as a refrigerant (dry ice) amongst other things. It's only bad when it's in the atmosphere in higher concentration than it was before the industrial revolution.