...and I will probably be slagged off but.... .....from afar the latest 'panic buying' makes the UK population look like a complete bunch of 'thickos' . I am not going to getting sucked into the politics and 'why's and wherefors' of it all, but the BBC, ITV and media (not just the 'Redtops' either) have, once again created a sh*tstorm where one did not exist. A handful of petrol stations in the UK ((less than 1%) are temporarily closed and out of supplies. The Govt (and more importantly the Fuel Industry itself) have gone on record stating that there is NO national shortage of supply and the refineries are operating as normal. Cue the media whipping up a storm and then photographing long queues at the service stations. Many temporarily closed stations are within a mile or so of ones operating normally. Like someone says... if you say... "Ooh! don't look at that bear over there" .... everyone will 'look at that bear over there'! It is the toilet roll fiasco all over again. Will people never learn? Panic buying causes shortages! I sympathise with those like delivery drivers and people genuinely low on fuel etc caught up in the "4 hour queues" caused by muppets who do low mileage and have half a tankful going into a panic 'cos the BBC have banner headlined 'Fuel Chaos' !!! (caused by them in the first place) but as for the rest of the cretins....... (and yes I do feel intellectually superior to half these idiots if you want to accuse me of that! ) Rant over!
It's a vicious circle I suppose, once the media cause the panic buying it can lead to a shortage, which in turn lead people to panic more. It's not surprising is it, the media caused the panic buying last year. They have (as collective) also caused levels of irrational fear in some over the last 18months in relation to Covid. Not sure how you stop it either as sensationalism "sells" and that's the purpose for news now.
It's no a controversial opinion, it's just a fact. See also toilet rolls, dried pasta etc etc....at the start of this pandemic. No shortages at all, but the minute someone utters the words 'there is no need to panic buy', that's the trigger for daft ¢unts everywhere to unnecessarily bulk buy, leading to empty shelves. The media show the empty shelves and the whole thing feeds itself. In ASDA yesterday for a few bits. The exit road feeds into the approach to the petrol station, so there was a good 10 minute wait to actually get out as the fuel queue was blocking the exit lane. I sat and watched at least two cars fill up, then open the boot and fill various other canisters. One of them had three of those large army jerrycans. We are simply insane.
When the BBC made capitol of the situation the other morning I turned to the wife & said well done BBC there will be panic buying tomorrow , totally irresponsible reporting, the media cause more unrest & I wonder sometimes if they do it on purpose just to stir the pot .
As everyone else says it’s not controversial. Problem is it’s hard not to report a major fuel company admitting they can’t supply all their fuel stations normally and these days in the press at least everything is sensationalised. Mind you once Government ministers started saying Don’t Panic that was the tipping point because most people don’t believe anything they say, and with good reason! No need for the panic to continue though today’s Daily Excess front page has a headline that Coco is going to relax visa rules for lorry drivers to save Christmas I’m sure I remember Boris saves Christmas headlines last year and how well that went
Irrespective of what the media says, I think the bottom line is nobody believes this government about anything any more, and this undermines everything.
The last election suggests otherwise. In fact the last election suggests to me there are plenty that will believe anything they’re told
Yep, BP & Texaco we’re only ones affected and it wasn’t due to shortage of fuel being available but the subcontractors they use to deliver which have a shortage on drivers. However people have jumped on it and panic buy which as you say will create a shortage. Round here garages have reacted by setting a £30 limit on purchasing fuel.
I take your point, but a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. If they get in again at the next election, I think I’ll give in, there’ll be no hope left for this country.
The EU must be sniggering up their sleeves at us. As a nation we have regressed fifty years in less than one. But what the hell, we got Brexit done!
South Yorkshire fire and rescue will be pulling their hair out with all the fiat Jerrycan dickheads. Morrison's was the same yesterday, I needed fuel was down to my last 60 miles. Took me over 40 minutes to fill up. Then went inside and certain non perishable goods had all gone. Joke, but shows again that deep down folk don't trust this government, even if they voted for em.
it's illegal to store more than 30L of petrol in cans at home. The petrol stations shouldn't be allowing people to fill cans etc.
It makes no difference where you're viewing it from, we still look like thickos. Yesterday, Swadlincote was gridlocked as people queued across roundabouts to get fuel at Sainsburys and Morrisons.
They probably will unless there's an electoral alliance against them. The Tories have been moving the constituency boundaries in their favour (again) and the Voter ID scheme will only discourage the youngest, the poorest and most the disadvantaged in the UK from voting, the very demographic most likely to vote against them.