Hope they not storing near all the fekin toilet rolls they hoarded last year ! Ozone won’t be able to cope if that happens .
BBC reported the issues but didn't report the reasons for it. Brexit and the stupid immigration policies of this country. The chronic underskilling and underfunding of crucial parts of our economy which have resulted in the shambles we're now seeing. When an extremist ideology bastardises basic free market principles this is what happens. Started under Thatcher, was propped up and energised by all previous governments. All it was going to take was a lunatic with mates of the same opinion to bring down the house of cards.
Blame is a strong word as the media will do as they do, its all about likes/Views/clicks ect Though they chose not to report on anti Covid protests, most recently in Australia but jump on a few petrol stations being closed, so certainly a element of choice in what they choose to do. As others have said it feeds itself now though, I have half a tank of petrol at sone point I'm going to need more, so I'll have to go. If I have to queue up for 40 mins I'm probably going to just fill it when i do get the chance. And so the cycle goes on.
Add to that list the toilet duck and flour and we won't be complaining about a lack of fireworks being imported.
When Coco the Clown came on T.V. telling people not to panic-buy then that set it all off because he tells that many lies and can not help himself, then people will go the complete opposite and panic-buy. And he loves it causing division.
We don’t just look like a country of thicko’s we are a country of thicko’s , look who the country voted for to run it …..and a fair proportion of those are ex pat thicko’s now pointing out how thick we are
Non of the media outlets will put any blame on Brexit because it reflects on them and their past actions and news stories . Brexit it everything to do with driver shortages as it is Crop picking and many other activities that used to be filled up with Migrants etc . This was being predicted early in the debate well before the vote but we chose to ignore it and the media will look for other scapegoats such as people on benefit sat at home rather than pick fruit etc . We need to make these media barons responsible for their actions and stop Tory Govts filling the BBC with their sympathisers on pretence of left wing conspiracies .
‘The media have caused this …’ Let’s get real for a minute. Yes the media will basically publish anything for clicks, but the Daily Mail and The Mirror aren’t holding you hostage at gunpoint and forcing you to drive your 90%-full Micra down to the Shell garage, are they? Herd mentality drove all of us to this, and so herd mentality will snap us all the **** out of it - therein lies the problem. Relying on the British people to ‘do the right and logical thing’ is like choreographing a pack of domestic cats for a full performance of Disney On Ice. It’s simply not going to happen. As a nation a majority of us were easily led on Brexit. As a nation a majority of us are more than happy to give away enough personal details for someone else to apply for a mortgage and an iPhone 13 Pro on contract in our name whenever we do a Facebook quiz called ‘What flavour of crisp are you?’ As a nation a majority of us will happily share a photo of a lost cat in Buenos Aires even though little Pablo was last seen in 2009 and we live in Basildon. It’s time to face the inevitable. We’re beyond help.
I think part of the issue is that yes the media have been irresponsible, but then people hear half a story, or some guy muttering something about petrol shortage and its like chinese whispers. As said above the big danger is that it creates a feedback loop whereby people filling up leaves more tankers required to replace the petrol, which they don't have, which then creates an actual petrol shortage. I see Bozo is creating visas for foreign workers so we're back on the cheap labour.
You shouldn't get slagged at all' you're absolutely right' the BBC speak and the gullible jump its like they completely lose the ability to think objectively..
The BBC (news) has been the single most dangerous and harmful organisation in this country in the last decade.
Wasn't just BBC, Sky, newspapers, were just as bad from the brief headlines I saw yesterday. IMO it wasn't even a story that "a handful" of stations were being closed due to a driver shortage. Then they repeat the pictures for the entire day and have the temerity to call it "24hr news".
Insulation causing all them fumes on M25 narr even worse fumes belching art all over the country at petrol stations will papers and Tories mention this like they did with the insulation protestors.
Grant Shapps. This is the caliber of moron we have running the country; "Brexit is helping us with the lorry driver shortage by allowing us to make the lorry driving test easier". Hope he's in an accident on the motorway caused by a poorly trained lorry driver....
Surely no one hears this and believes it? Surely even the most ardent Brexiteer doesn’t see the shortage of lorry drivers and think it’s a good thing. I will point out though, the media showed a lot of ‘common sense’ lorry drivers in the run up to Brexit, saying how it was unfair competition, foreign drivers were stealing British jobs etc. Well they got their wish, they’re getting their wage rise, and now they’re gonna be joined by a load of newly half trained Brits, that’ll drive wages back down and accident rates back up.
The real problem is the fact that the Media let them get away with this sort of rubbish. Had Schapps tried that 20 years ago they would have laughed him off the screen and resignation would have been inevitable. Now they know they can say any old dishonest rubbish and no one cares