Facing life in prison. Found guilty of sex trafficking etc. Got to admit that’s sneaked under the radar for me. Not picked up on the story at all. ?
It has frequently been on the BBC website. Don't watch a great deal of TV news so can't comment on that.
Time.....Time you got that time! Good riddance piece of filth. Hopefully the supposed big name rockstars named in an American documentary recently are also crapping it.
I'd missed it until yesterday as well. Good riddence and glad he has been stopped Just hope he cant use his money to buy his way out of this one and thats the last we see of the evil thug
It’s truly amazing how long it’s taken for R Kelly to be brought to justice, I mean it’s been known for years and years by the general public, never mind all the people around him. We look back at the saville thing and say it was 70’s and 80’s, things were different then - but this was last 20 years. Unbelievable.
But he is rich and able to pay good lawyers - (see O J Simpson) - had he been just a regular black guy with no fame he would have been banged up years ago
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p060m6qx There was also an award winning two season documentary series called Surviving R Kelly where lots of women were brave enough to talk about what he did to them that's well worth a watch. He will now die in prison as he should and he did some cracking tunes but it wouldn't feel right to listen to them again. Some might find it easier to split the person with their profession.
A good (you know what I mean) watch. I've got to agree with the OP though. This had totally passed me by.
He will still make a fortune from his songs being used by people like Gary Glitter having one of his songs used in the Joker movie.
It isn't going to be much use if he's banged up for the rest of his life though which looks almost certain.
30 years for him yesterday so should die in prison. Weird of him to use his childhood to try and get a lighter sentence. If you go through bad stuff you should be less likely to put others through it. Those who haven't seen the 11 episodes over two seasons of his documentary can watch it here...... https://watchseriestv.top/tv/watch-surviving-r-kelly-full-online-36459
No sympathy whatsoever for him but disagree regarding the childhood thing. Many abusers have a history of being the victims of childhood sexual abuse themselves. You are a lot more likely to become an abuser than less likely.