You really missed the category of those of us who live too far away to get to an evening midweek game I will be watching this one on the telly regardless of the fuel situation. so neither category applies Had it not been televised I still wouldnt be there - Fuel may well come into play on Saturday though. Really need a ST Holder cant make it ( fuel irrelevant) option though I ticked the fuel one as its closer than the cant be bothered option
Gone with ST holder can't be bothered. Think I'm going to watch on TV now I'm told its proper coverage. I dislike the red button coverage as no replays and can't rewind it. As i said in the other thread I get up for work at 5 and so going to the game means a lot less sleep. For the purpose this poll I'm counting that as not being bothered as I have been to many mid week games over the years (including some away) and still got up for work. With the option to watch on TV I'm taking the easy choice.
I won't be attending. Bought an electric car. I have no off road parking though but only have a 15 metre extension cable and battery is flat. Oh bugger!
Have decided to watch on Sky. Was going to attend, but I'm mega busy & if it's a similar performance to Saturday I won't have wasted the fuel / travelling time from Headingley.
I'm still enjoying being back at Oakwell after missing over a season due to Covid so no way will I miss any home games other than for illness. Whether you're watching at home or at Oakwell I hope there's something to cheer tomorrow night. COYR!
Not Really an option which suits me although I have replied. If our mid week game in on TV then it is a no brainier for me. I will watch on TV, I do have a season ticket and I was considering the ravelling to this game until: 1. I realised it was on TV (main reason). 2. Fuel panic so I am saving my fuel for the Millwall game on Saturday.