Don't recall seeing another thread on this so apologies if so. I like a beer with the best of them but I'm a bit torn on wether lifting the ban would be a good idea or not. Thoughts ........
Terrible idea. The general public can't respect boundaries when it comes to bog roll, pasta and petrol, let alone alcohol.
Not sure if it will work in football, needs to be regulated well to avoid people becoming too drunk and agitated during the matches also if a team scores people will be showered with beer which I'm sure some won't want
I'm ambivalent. On one hand, I'd love to have a beer while watching a game. On the other, dickheads will throw it about when we score.
It will be great for people at home games, where you effectively choose who you sit around. If you sit to the right of the ponte, you know you'll probably get covered in beer when we score whereas that won't happen in the West Lower. Problem is at away games, can just see it ending up getting very silly and causing a lot of trouble. If you go with your family and end up sat next to some daft 18 year olds, you're not going to be that impressed when your young daughter gets covered in beer.
No. 1) football attracts way more violence then other sports where you can drink - Rugby/Horse Racing/cricket. 2) people will chuck it around, that's a guarantee 3) people will drink more then they would otherwise which is not a good thing and will lead to more violence 4) its bad enough having people walk past the cramped isle every so often - you're going to get people going for drinks and a p*ss every 5 minutes. I would say its ok at non-league level, but once you get to over 1000 people its going to create disorder.
Lunacy. Behaviour of a section of fans is bad enough as it is, have them drinking in the stands is likely to make it even worse. Though I'm sure people and kids in the stands will be fine with being doused in beer when goals go in!
Blackpool at the weekend was not as bad as it would be, if you could drink at your seat. Based on what I saw - Barnsley fans attacking each other, and a general atmosphere of aggression - I'll be knocking away games on the head, if the ban gets overturned.
How do you applaud a good pass/tackle/save/shot with a glass in one hand? I mean, I know it's probably not an issue at the moment, but there may come a time when there's some worth applauding. (And speaking as someone who has had a soaking from a bottle of pop knocked over in the row behind me, the answer is not "Just stand it on the floor, mate.")
Imagine.... Sam Winnall gets a Peppa pig thrown at him. The next time it's a pint of beer. Yeah, let's encourage drunken yobs at football matches taking more drinks to their seats. Only one outcome.
imo definitely not. would be a nightmare for all kinds of reasons. unfortunately just too many British football fans who behave like complete bellends.
Thats not a problem I've been to plenty of Rugby and Cricket matches where I have had a beer in my hand when someone has scored a try or hit a boundary etc and even now at a football match Ive had a soft or hot drink in my hand when we have scored Id love to be able to have a beer during the game but unfortunately football has too big a minority of fans who cant be trusted with alcohol at their seats so I think its right its banned - but its annyoing that a sensible majority have to suffer due to the behaviour of a minority
No ta, I'm already wary of going to away games, I really don't want to feel the same about home games.
Can I pass you mate av just hed a sup of mi beer and need bog, then al be back to finish it off and then its my rarnd so sithi sooin.
On the other hand, gulping 3 or 4 in the space of 10 minutes might be relieved a tad. The responsible ones will continue to be responsible. So I (whilst I don't drink at games) are on the side of let's not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Root out the irisponsible by all means