Whilst I agree that they should have been severely punished I think it’s biased against our club that we suffer the harshest of the punishments . To start with Stoke are the home club and therefore more culpable as the security should have been such that this couldn’t happen and for as long as it did . Secondly Stoke we’re the original culprits and broke the EFL law of encroaching into our coaching area in the first place . Well done EFL biased shown again protecting the bigger club . I agree that punishments should be harsh but Stokes should have been more so because I’ll bet my last pound to a penny we would have been in same situation .
Considering the Stoke coach pushed two of our staff before the altercation I can’t understand why he didn’t get the same ban.
So guys from the Stoke bench come in to our technical area which isn't allowed and end up with lower fines than our own staff. Madness.
"The Club will not comment further on this matter" 4 words longer than we have seen for best part of a season ............. baby steps.
Totally agree. I have no problem with the club and team fines and bans, but there appears to be a bias in the severity towards BFC.
The players can’t be held accountable for anything at the moment Helen. Apart from Ben Williams, who is to blame for all errors on the pitch, besides Schopp.
We were the ones who over reacted after the stoke guy tried to get the ball back into play quickly. That was not reacted on by Schopp. Because it was mild at best. even if in our technical area. Should have let the ref deal with it. Instead of wading in. Grown men. Grow up.
That’s what I thought. Would’ve thought that they will promote an academy coach for a couple of matches