maybe I should have said he was pretty poor in comparison to the first half. you just jump on anyone who criticises owt bfc
We were never going to bring in a like for like replacement for Mowatt so were always going to struggle .
it's like pulling teeth. I'll say it again. Of course you can criticise the club. It's a free country. Do as you please. Hammer the scoreboard. Hammer the state of the ground. Criticise the squabble over ownership of said ground. Question recruitment. Question performances. Point the finger at players. Crack on with all that. But when folk are demanding the sacking of a Head Coach 9 games into a season, don't expect to not be pulled up on how stupid that is.
Strikes me he's been spurring the better players on a lot of the time. Always gave 100% for us and looks like he's carrying that on for WBA.
No doubt, he was a proper midfielder, ran his blood to water... Seems to be a better player without the responsibility of being captain too.
There's a difference between criticism after 9 games and wanting someone gone after 9 games though. Surely you can see that? Nobody is saying we've been brilliant or made a great start, or that our football has been incredibly free flowing with plenty of attacking pizzazz. We haven't been great at all, that's obvious. Just that's its daft to want someone sacked after 9 games.
Personally I agree, but I honestly wouldn't care if the board did pull the trigger now. Some may well have seen enough though to be confident that Schopp won't/can't improve and if that's after 9 games then it's 9 games, whether you think that's ridiculous doesn't really matter. Other's will reserve judgement till after tonight, others more will wait until 5pm on Saturday; everyone has their limit and 9 games is obviously enough for some.
Never understood that criticism You don't need a massive amount of pace to play center midfield effectively. I remember watching Scott Parker run the game for Fulham at oakwell at 36 years old, his legs had long gone and he was never the fastest.
Will you be there tonight? Did you waste your day Saturday? Did you travel to Bournemouth to watch us fail to have a shot on goal? I'll tell you whats like pulling teeth watching schopps football, 1 win in 10 games thanks to brad Collins. If people want change after what they have seen in the 1st 10 games thats there opinion. Any way onto another winnable game tonight...
BETTER FAN ALERT. Yes I'll be there tonight. No I didn't go to Blackpool or Bournemouth. Congratulations. But I saw us outplay Blackburn. Saw us beat Coventry. As I've said to you before. And now I'll say it really slowly, because you clearly can't or won't read. ITS BEEN NINE GAMES -- I've lost my patience with you now, you just repeat the same rhetoric. I get it. You aren't happy with performances. Well neither am I. But once again I'll say to you. ITS BEEN NINE GAMES If you reply to this, I'll just refer you to this post from now on.
I've said I'd give him a few more games but if something is demonstrably bad and there's no sign of improvement then not to act is just as daft. We're almost at the stage whefe there's an equal calculated risk either way. If, after another four or five games we're still all at sea I'd get rid. It's a risk and we may be prematurely getting rid of a good manager but keeping him may risk even further mess and it being too late to correct things. I'm cautious by nature and I'd rather correct things earlier than later.
Fair points. Personally I think the halfway point of the season is a fair reflection of someone's ability to coach and lead a side. We need to win tonight though first.