wife put the heating on this morning and i jokingly called her a wimp now my rule of thumb is its not allowed to be switched on until the clocks go back, anything before, grab a jumper & have a cuppa! do others have a tight arse approach like me?
In her defence it has dropped cold quite quickly. We were sat in our shorts and tees baking in the hot Blackpool sun last Saturday, and last night despite wearing several more layers, I was still feeling the cold
Its a pretty stupid approach if you want my opinion. If its cold put the heating on doesnt matter what month it is - do you have something called a thermostat I find they are quite handy ours came on this morning and yesterday morning - I think for the first time for months Are you allowed to de ice your car before the clocks go back or do you just drive looking through a frosted up windscreen?
It's an interesting one purely from an ethical (or moral) point of view. We all have jumpers, if we put them on instead of turning the heating on we'd cut our carbon emissions by an unbelievable amount but the majority of us won't do that because we simply don't want to
Our heating came on this morning for about 30 minutes , obviously stat controlled but it did its job , however the message has registered with me & I shall be preparing the log burner ready for action , I dont usually fire it up this early but it saves me a fortune & if the temp is going to drop then its getting lit .
I only put the heating on when I'm wearing a jumper. I don't however want to be wrapped in hat coat and scarf to avoid putting it on!
Ours has gone on. It reduces me to tears! And seemingly no amount of recall of the cold harsh days of my childhood will persuade Lady Kaht that we need to be more resilient!
Our heating came on this afternoon but we turned it straight off and I’m sat under a blanket, with a hot water bottle and wearing a hoodie. I was surprised it came on today and not yesterday as I was absolutely freezing last night, I couldn’t stop shaking at all. That may have been because I was freezing all day at work yesterday though basically sat in a wind tunnel (due to doors and windows open and the position of my unmovable desk) and couldn’t warm up again; it hasn’t been half as windy today. When we’re saving money we try and not put it on until it gets to 16 degrees but otherwise thermostat is set to 18 degrees. 16 is my absolute limit though apart from when I’d just left my job and felt guilty about being at home all day and let it get down to 12 before succumbing. In my defence, I do have a cold related disability and really struggle in terrible pain if I get too cold.
I think we should do our bit to cut carbon emmisions in this country to allow our special friends across the pond to carry on as normal.
Last year I was single and set myself a challenge of how long I could last without it. I would layer up jumpers, blankets etc. I saw my own breath frequently and by early December the heating went on. I told myself I will never, ever go cold again, it's just not worth it. I probably had mild hypothermia.
What you opted for, mines due for renewing in Jan, really want the Hyundai Ioniq 5 but may have to wait till next time
Heating is oil fired and it's over double the price it was last year so I'm sticking with the usual target of November , however the fire has been burning the last 4 days and that heats most the house anyway, free supply of logs and very cheap coal so that's ok, well maybe not for the planet but we're toasty. I'll buy an electric car next to offset it a bit