It's the memories ofliving in houses without central heating that makes me put it on when I can, now that I do!
i wear shorts all year round at work no matter if snow/ice i find if i keep my feet and upper half warm i'm fine, a hole in my shorts pockets also acts as a hand warmer too ;-)
Are you a postie then? Most postmen/women seem to be all year rounders in their shorts For what it's worth; I'm still working in vest and tracky bottoms outdoors, whereas the lad that works with me has a sweatshirt and body warmer over his t-shirt
I don't get this, 'the heating doesn't go on until' business tbh. In the past with the first types of more complicated systems fair enough ( tbf I also don't agree with wasting gas because folk can't be bothered to dress appropriately) but ours has a clear auto and off button, we keep it off if the temperatures fine but if we are sat in the house with the doors shut and if we ( I say we but I mean my missus) feel cold it goes on for a bit.
Our heating comes on if it's cold. I've had electric fire on in June this year. We pay a monthly bill. That's going to be the same regardless.
I've looked at those too. I don't mind the wait, had to wait 6 months for what I've got and after 8 weeks it got knicked so had to wait another 6 months for another
It does look really nice but at the minute the prices are daft for leasing and the mileage isn't as good, what they advertise is a bit misleading
Well, when I say we pop it on when it feels a bit cold, that's obviously only after the middle of January and we get double benefit because it melts the ice on the insides of the windows and means we can flush the loo