“I think actually one great opportunity we have from the issues we see at the moment is actually for some of these supermarket supply chains to crumble. It will mean that the farmer down the street will be able to sell their milk in the village shop like they did decades ago. It is because these commercial predators – that is the supermarkets – have wiped that out and I’d like to see that come back.” Tory MP Chris Loder actually welcoming a food shortage and the breakdown of civilization. Get this man sectioned. Now.
Maybe they could sell live pigs as well in the village shop for you to take home and kill and butcher yourselves as well
You can argue the toss about Brexit forever but this is different. Old Chris has clearly dropped some acid or is on mushrooms and is now convinced we live in the 18th Century. I wouldn’t be suprised if a Tory MP issued the following statement regarding life after Brexit…. “I climbed on the back of a giant albatross, which flew through a crack in the cloud, to a place where happiness reigned all year round, where music played ever so loudly.”
Well there's definitely a hole in their shoe, if not their brains. Taking us back to the 17th Century, when they blagged about Corbyn taking us back to the 70's. Couldn't make it up.
I reckon a kind of radical distributism is long overdue, it’s a bit rich a Tory to be pretending he support it though- what he describes is the result of free trade market capitalism, something he must support. The cognitive dissonance in his head must be deafening.
Tbh there is a point in there somewhere , don’t you ever look at the price of stuff in supermarkets and think if it’s for sale at that, how much are they paying the poor buggers that struggle to grow it?
One way of looking at the breakdown of the Health Service, lack if nurses etc is that we can return to the good old days when the local wise woman used to prescribe a bag of herbs etc. It's time we got back to those traditional local crafts like we had at the time of Agincourt and Crecy. Plus with a greater emphasis on wise women there'd be a return of demand for witchfinders etc. Marvellous. If only they'd had the Union Jack to wave back in the 14th century.
There is an issue with the way supermarkets control the prices. Not sure the policies persued by our clown cabinet do much to help there though and the approach suggested by Chris Loader of forcing supermarkets to go bust seems to me to be one fraught with unintended consequences
I fully accept that covid is partly to blame for labour shortages around the world but let's be honest about this. It's pure b***cks to suggest the problems in the UK aren't exacerbated by Brexit. It's also pure b***cks to suggest ther problems are the same across the rest of Europe because they clearly aren't and it's also blindingly obvious that this Tory idiot is flailing around trying to find some convouluted phoney upside to the crisis. It fools no one but the gullible. Don't worry if your head's just been chopped off, think about the fact you'll never have neck ache again. It's pathetic.
Don’t worry, there’d be a ‘transition period’ of food shortages, panic buying and rioting. They’d only be ‘bumps in the road’ I suppose.
While we are on the topic (sort of) when they talk about higher wages for HGV drivers (which I'm not against at all), they often forget to mention that higher transport costs will mean higher prices for goods in the shops. This will impact the poorest in our society, but given the shelves might be empty anyway, maybe I'm worrying needlessly. You would have thought that they might be more interested in letting Johnny Foreigner do the low paid work (HGV & Fruit picking etc.) & concentrate on training our own citizens to do more highly paid work in other areas. Just a thought. They're just doing another 'smoke & mirrors' exercise. They know (knew) Brexit has been/would be a shambles, but now they are trying to avert our gaze by making out it was all about higher wages for us. Something which is counter to pretty much everything they've preached for the last 30 years (free market). I have no doubt in my mind that Joe Public will buy it.
How does this fit with last week's slogan "Global Britain". Surely the farmer should be selling his milk to China.