Look, all we have to do is make all the lorries twice the size and then widen all the roads. It's such an obvious solution, I can't believe Johnson hasn't thought of it.
Apparently there is a shortage all over Europe, folk blaming it not being a desired occupation of younger folks any more.
Cheap immigration pushing wages down making it less attractive to newcomers plus longer hours probably perpetuated by said cheap immigration who lets be honest have been abused over the last 20 years . Disgusting . The whole sector needs cleaning up and regulating correctly though we can say that for a great many sectors within the UK economy .
Funnily enough, my other half is a paramedic too, in the current climate I think she'd probably take them up on an offer to drive HGVs!
I wonder how many haulage contractors would be happy let some untried person with no experience who has just passed Johnson’s easy version of the test, loose on the road with his £200000 rig plus whatever the load is worth . They’ll be queuing up!!
What worries me is this, I was walking up Sheffield road Saturday morning & saw a lorry driver on his mobile whilst driving an 18 wheeler, would he have got the sack if had been caught???
That would depend on how much the insurance would cost.... Apparently insurance for new drivers (<2-3 years experience) is very expensive anyway...
The recruitment drive going as well as expected - still its early days and not as if we have an immediate crisis to resolve