Somebody has set up a Go Fund Me to pay off Schopp’s severance! They suggest it’s 100k, imagine they’ve guessed that figure. Whilst it’s a little bit juvenile and tragic, and I don’t support it, it does show what the feeling is like amongst the supporters. However it also shows how tight us Yorkshire folk are - as 19 hours in there’s not one donation!!!! Sorry, I just found it entertaining.
Sign of the times and the modern era sadly. There's a Twitter account called 'Schopp Out' which promises an hourly update on whether he's gone or not. Don't get me wrong, I understand anyone who wants him to be sacked, but as an outsider looking in you'd be thinking we're absolutely off our rocker as a fan base this early in the season.
It's not so much that I want him to be sacked, I want him to turn it around but I just don't think he will. So would rather we had someone in charge that could turn it around. But setting up crowdfunds, and social media accounts dedicated to his sacking smacks of a sense of entitlement within the fanbase.
Schopp is utterly useless, and I'm firmly one of the Schopp out majority. However, my contribution to his severance package is the two season tickets I bought. Crack on, Conway.
Just seen a clip ...the von traps ...singing long farewell....with pictures of the Bfc badge and M Schopp Can't be pleasant for the Guy....wonder if he walks to work....or gets a taxi in now..due to the toxic atmosphere that's emerging these days....I agree he needs sacking but surely not the personal abuse....betting he's now questioning if he's safe to go out in Barnsley....downside of the job when living in town when it goes wrong....
I don't think that's the case at all. As an outsider looking in they see a team that was in the play offs last season sitting near the bottom of the table after the new manager has started absolutely terribly. In fact the fans of other teams who I speak to at work have all been mocking me about just how poor our results are 'who are you lot losing to tomorrow' has become a common one and I've been asked 'has he won any yet' a couple of times. We get a lot of visitors at work too who i chat football to. This has happened this week: Who do you support? Barnsley What's gone wrong there? Aren't new managers supposed to have a honeymoon period? And I've had another say 'hes got to go hasn't he? Derby will overtake you soon.
Its happening to Mick and Colin at the moment,I bet those 2 aren't losing sleep over social media bullies.
I think the majority of football fans would think we’re off our rocker for starting a Go Fund Me page and various social accounts on this. So I respectfully disagree. They won’t see anything wrong with people wanting him to be sacked. That’s football.
It smacks of some social media whore in my mind! One of the many reasons I don't have Facebook etc etc etc