Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the issue itself if this continues someone is going to get seriously hurt. Obviously given the source the nature of the replies is to be expected but I think it's representative that violence is likely.
What I found rather surprising this morning on the news was the line of police just standing over the protestors not making any move to shift them. It was like they were afraid to touch them. Meanwhile the queues of cars and the ambulance were backing up. Then the car drivers had got stuck in ! I'm not one for physical violence at all but the cops looked really rather silly doing nothing. Of course I could just be picking up on what the media wanted me to see and reality could have been different. Still looked daft.
Brittain should be bombing up and down the wings a bit more and would keep considerably warmer without the need for insulation. Last season I would have agreed, he was quite a live-wire.
Was thinking myself, hope this isn't another addition to the injury list. The weather is on the turn and Brittain could be nesh.
If they were football fans they'd move them. Everyone has the right to peaceful protest but in UK law the police have powers to limit that right if they are protecting 'others’ rights and freedoms'. Isn't preventing someone from using the highway harming their rights and freedoms? In fact isn't obstruction of the highway a specific offence anyway? And right to protest doesn't mean a right to break laws
I don't agree with their methods, but unless we really make an effort to do something NOW. We will be the next dinosaurs.
They could start by insulating their own homes. I agree with the sentiment that we need to do better but just can't support hypocrites who don't care enough to insulate their own homes but spout off that everyone else should.
Hypocrisy for sure HOW do they get there ? They all won't walk disgusting stopping an Ambulance getting through especially.
People complain the police don’t have enough powers to stop Insulate Britain protestors. Yet only a few months ago there were large ‘Kill The Bill’ demonstrations opposing giving police more powers to stop protests?
It's more than one, I've seen another two of them arguing with a member of the public who also said there's weren't
Given the age profile of the protesters I've seen and the location, I'd be surprised if most of them owned where they live. Good luck convincing a landlord to cough up! Edit: or the leaseholder in a block of flats, come to that. I think the point is that this isn't really something that can be left up to individuals, or dealt with through grants or subsidies to homeowners. Happy to admit that I've not really followed their demands though, so feel free to correct me.
I wonder what would happen if they blocked a coach full of Millwall supporters on their way to an away match?
The police would likely move the protesters let the coach through then allow the protest to continue.
i think the point is that they want the government to make it a policy to properly insulate all homes and workplaces in the country. Whilst an individual can do his or her bit, it basically has no effect. Just like it really annoys me that motorist sit in their vehicles with the engine running when it's clear they are not going anywhere and it'd not cold so they don't need heat and it's not hot so they don't need aircon. I always turn my engine off when I know it's the right thing to do but it's really only a gesture, nobody else is doing it.
Mine has auto stop start so always switches off when in a queue Thought more cars would be the same in fairness
Like the woman who was pleading with them (unsuccessfully ) to let her pass as her 80 something year old mother was in an ambulance ahead and she needed to follow, these people are selfish, and show total lack of compassion for their fellow human beings, whilst pig-headedly think they are justified in behaving as they do. Whilst the point of their argument has validity, their methodology is, divisive, flawed and illogical as it causes more disruption (impacting the economy ) and pollution (creating queues of stationery standing traffic in already congested areas). Meanwhile, the rest of the World looks on and UK police look rather stupid and totally ineffectual. The general public are shown having to take the law into their own hands (never a good look!) There are adequate laws to deal with these situations and yet, PP seems to think new laws need to be brought in to deal with them. Why are the Home office and Senior police officers so reluctant to take action? The overwhelming opinion of them general public, for once, would almost certainly side with them provided they don't resort to excessive force or provoke/instigate the confrontation e.g. Orgreave. We are not talking about politicalisation of the police here. They would just be doing their job of upholding existing laws in the interests of public safety. French police, because of their experience in dealing with multiple protests and riots (which seems to be the 'French way' when they have a gripe against the French Govt. ) would have no such qualms. Italian police would also act and the offenders would be quickly arrested and , more importantly, dealt with very rapidly by the courts. If the heavy fines that would undoubtedly be imposed did not deter them then they would be given custodial sentences. That said, given the standard of drivers over here, I shudder to think of how many protestors would actually survive long enough to receive either if they wandered onto an Autostrada. Utter selfish idiots, most of who of an age where they should know better.