Hi Can anyone recommend a company/ individual that operate private swimming lessons for a 6 year old . In the Barnsley area He’s currently at Barnsley metrodome but with how many kids are in one class he will still be using armbands in 6 years
Timetable | Sheffield Swim School (thesheffieldswimschool.co.uk) Mine went here. It's Grenoside (North Sheffield so 20 mins from Barnsley). Not private but low numbers. The pool is really small, but they do learn quickly. Not sure if it's still the case but the teachers used to be in the water when the kids are first learning.
They aren't private lessons as such but I can wholeheartedly recommend Pisces who are a private school that operate out of the Ackworth quaker school. I took my lad out of Dearnside lessons for the same reason. 12 kids, one teacher on the side of the pool. Pisces have one teacher to a maximum of 5 kids and in the first class they are in the water with the kids. My oldest loved it straight away and now, 11 years later is doing his lifeguard qualifications with them. Youngest hasn't been anywhere else (I wouldn't consider anywhere else) and has nearly completed all the STA stages. Most importantly they both absolutely love swimming and want to do it as much as possible. They aren't there to chutn out Olympic champions but they teach strong swimming, water safety and fun.
There’s a brilliant pool at town end. The Deborah Yule Swim school. My girl loved it and learnt to swim really well. https://www.deborahyuleswimschool.com/
Tie a rope round her and chuck her in Worsbrough Res she'll soon learn Joking aside Pisces is brilliant