WEST STAND CLOSURE Club News Following extensive structural inspections of Oakwell Stadium, it has been identified that various remedial works are required to the (DX) West Sand and, to therefore ensure the protection of all spectators, the Club have taken the necessary decision to close the stand until further notice. Continue reading on the official site...
For 'crowd management challenges' read 'we can pay fewer stewards'. There's never been an issue with that in 130 years.
Could it be to do with access, since theres only one way in and out, round the end of the stand. There arent many exit points and from what i remember the staircases from the upper part are narrow and quite dangerous. Nowadays. They werent a few years ago.
Stand sponsored by DX which I thought was delivered exactly, probably more apt to be demolished exactly. Sad times but this was very predictable.
Closed until further notice so the plan is to open it again but it doesn't mention in the article getting it repaired.