Scariest things that happened to me have happened in daylight... 1 the grey lady of the Vickers corridor at Northern General brushed past me unexpectedly. 2 Kept seeing, out of the corner of my eye, an old boy in the corner of a pub in the IoW. I asked the landlord "who was the old lad sitting over there?" He says "Oh you can see him as well can you?"
A house in grimethorpe where i once lived had strange going ons, eg my 5yr old neice was on the stairs with her back to the wall.When i asked why she was stood like that,her answer was,i`m just letting the old woman go past.
I dare you to watch the excorist alone this weekend. Did me as a kid that through summer holidays under covers, sweating, scared shi.less, pettrified me and lads who were doing oujie board at time aswell, watching, reading anything to scare us. All men at the time of doing all these different thing wen we were all together, but come bedtime all girls.