There'd apparantly been an argument. The board needed to weed out the culprit. But the mower and mower it dragged on just decided to call a spade a spade. Couldn't identify the culprit so take your pick. Certain there was a grass though. The silly sod. So he eventually just threw in the trowel. Im sure he''ll have the last laugh, hoe hoe hoe. Told the board to pipe down and cut it out. But really who hose where the blame lies. Water absolute farce. But you've got to draw the line somewhere. Net ideal but heyhoe. God I'm effin bored this isolation is killing me.
So Schopp's role is increasing to: Head Coach Goalkeeping Coach Analyst Groundsman Coach Driver Kit Man Next thing we know he will also be doing a shift in the bloody ticket office and club shop