The government spokesperson probably shouldn't have called it that when referring to it either then, should they?
I didn't see that they had, but they also shouldn't have said lots of things, so that doesn't surprise me either. Did they say it and make "air quotes" with their fingers as they said it? That's how I imagine it in my head.
Those deaths.....fu¢king hell. Why has the country apparently stopped caring??!? Johnson should be doing life. That's too good for him, mind....
Have you got a link to these figures? I've been using the ones at since the pandemic started. According to them, we're currently at 2028 deaths per million of the population from Covid. 16th worst in Europe. Above us in the table are:
I can't recall the source to be honest, I tend to give covid articles as wide a berth as I possibly can given my households personal circumstances. What I do recall is that it was in real terms and not per million.
I have read your posts regarding your other half and sympathise completely. What do you mean by real terms? Total number of deaths? We're definitely second in the league for that, however you'll notice that we also have had almost twice as many cases as Italy, and only (not playing down any human lives, just using the word statistically) 7000 more deaths. Russia comparatively have had less reported cases but a lot more deaths. Their vaccine uptake was very low so our initial vaccine programme must have done some good.
It was a list of covid deaths for that day, but I'll be damned if I can remember where I saw it. It only piqued my fleeting interest because I've not seen any data other than daily UK reporting and I was surprised just how wide the gap was. The cases per country are going to vary wildly, some dependant on regime/leader and others because of geography, infrastructure, resources and wealth. Obviously we'll never know true cases per country as we can't identify historically those who had it but didn't have a test to confirm it or came back as false negative.
I hope I'm wrong, but it would be surprising not to see this go significantly higher over winter. Hospitalisations up 10% on the previous week.
Because it's not being reported in the same way as before. Its all about perception, the truth is most people don't care about things that don't directly impact them.
When someone in your house gets it you have to get a PCR test. Maybe if we’d not abandoned all safety measures and been so slow on getting kids vaccinated and boosters then we wouldn’t be needing to get so many PCR tests? Looking at the Zoe app it’s growing exponentially again in Wakefield. So only going to need more PCR tests.
Not sure of the point of the OP but having just nearly recovered from COVID all this ant-vax/ Covid stuff really boils my **** in fact I have said next person that says it doesn’t exist or it’s only cold I will smack straight in the nose no ifs no buts!
The figure you are quoting is incorrect by a country mile. Yesterday there were 277,358 PCR tests conducted. There were 911,550 virus tests in total conducted yesterday, however the vast majority of these were lateral flow tests. A huge chunk will be NHS staff such as my fiancee who needs to keep her patients safe and keep the service ticking over.
Yes you can. Where I work we had a big increases in cases in September and fortunately it's dropped back significantly now. Because people have been testing +ve with symptoms like those of cold, flu, sore throat, etc, people have been asked to take PCR tests with those types of symptoms - not just the 3 main publicised ones. We also had people PCR tested (on public health advice) who had no symptoms and found a fair few positive cases. The LFTs are supposed to pick up people who have no symptoms.
Correct it is 10%. It moved from 7039 to 7749 inc. approx 700. Percentages are not a particularly good way of reading date as small numbers are affected significanlty. 100% increase would sound bad whereas the increase could be from say 10 to 20. Any increase isn't good but the population of the UK is 67m. For context. Jan 2021 cases were around the 40k per day the number of people in hospital was around 37k. Now around 40k per day hospital say 8k. This is after around three months of no restrictions. January was during lockdown. I think it suggests the vaccine on the whole has worked. I also suggest that hospitalisaions not case numbers is the area on which to focus. Opinions?
As I understand it most people will eventually get Covid. Asking for Covid restrictions now is different to asking for them last winter. Then it was to stop utter implosion of NHS. Now it’s to ease a very bad winter. That’s a very different social bargain.