I see the dangerous old f@cktard that is the American president Joe Biden is now saying that if China attacks Taiwan, then the US will defend Taiwan.. Tell you what.. nobody will be too botherd about football if that happens.. fcukjoebiden.
A bit like when we said to Hitler if he invaded Poland we'd step in. Sometimes you have to honour your commitments and stand up to bullies. Maybe your anger would be better pointed at China who appear hell bent on world domination starting with their near neighbours.
American foreign policy is terrible. That said, this has been coming for some time. China could pretty much shut down western economies without firing a missile. The people behind Biden are little better than those behind Trump, they are all getting cash from the same people pretty much. Biden's evacuation of Afghanistan has to be one of the worst military blunders since Iraq / Vietnam.
China are on the march, we need to maintain a presence. Japan, Korea and Oceanian nations can't allow them to continue and that means we can't stand by. China is a danger to the world, their own people are kept in the dark, are oppressed and they've just tested hyper sonic missiles. Look how it's going in Hong Kong. People who qualify for British citizenship are being arrested and tortured, for speaking their minds. I'm no warmonger but like @stairfoot.red states, invasions like this can't be allowed. Look how they've acted towards the NBA star and Boston Celtics after he who supported publicly the Tibetan independence movement. Their economy is on its knees, folk are going to realise and they may become restless. So what do dictators do, create a new enemy and pump our nationalist propaganda to avert an uprising. I'm sure our PM will be taking notes.
It's not so simple as that . Do remember taiwan is actually a part of China or that's how the Chinese see it . The leaders in Taiwan are actually the original ruling class of China before the Communist party took over just after ww2 . What is interesting is that Joe biden happens to be following the exact same foreign policy as trump eg anti China but this time there dosent appear to be any outrage or cries of " racist " . By the way if the US thinks it can defend Taiwan forget it . It looks more like another Iraq style rabbit hole though this time the opponent is far better equipped and the losses would be too great to comprehend . Not that it would come to war anyway , all the Chinese have to do is stop exporting and in one foul swoop they d crush the US economy .
You've only to look at Putin and his grab of the Crimea to see what happens if you give these despots an inch, We all know that if Putin senses a weakness in the West he'll be sending Tanks into the rest of the Ukraine likewise China with Taiwan and like Germany and Japan before WW2 they won't stop until they are forced to stop.
A war between the USA & China would be China have so much control. It was the only thing Trump was right to be worried about, but in all reality that boat has sailed many years ago. It will merely be a gesture, when in all reality China is the dominant power in the world now. Not by GDP, but in terms of tech.
Their economy is seriously struggling, their giant housing bubble is about to pop big time. Housing debt against their GDP is huge. They'll need to remain exporting to stabilise their economy. If the west slows down demand they're in big trouble. They've been importing coal from Australia. They've had power outrages on a regular basis. The leadership know they're in trouble, so like all supposed strong men they're flexing their muscles to try and keep the population on side.
I guess this is part of the pact with Australia & the USA. Not sure it will work TBH. They won't lose any sleep, as there is no democracy. Drones & tech close down will hit us all to take us to near standstill. It will not be a war of bombs & guns, much more subtle. Sending some gunboats is like thinking we can see off the Armada. Different world.
Fair point on the housing bubble though not something I've looked at in depth so I'm not sure of any perceived consequences . https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202110/1237083.shtml What I would say is China and Russia have become very intertwined over the last few years economically as well as military . Are the EU wanting some gas from Russia this winter despite the EU sanctioning them over the last 5 years or so ? Expect like for like retaliation should the west make any moves regards Taiwan .
Britain may well have declared war but it did nothing to save Poland. There was little Britain could have done. And the little they could have done, they chose not to. Much like the French (who were in a much better position to attack from the west, and were obliged to do so by their treaty obligations). Both Hitler and Stalin saw Poland as rightfully theirs as well. The Russians, Prussians and Austrian-Hungarian Empire partitioned Poland between them at the end of the 18th century. The country ceased to exist for the next 122 years and was only re-established at the end of WW1. In 1939 the Nazis and Soviets invaded the country and partitioned it between them again. They were only taking back what was ‘rightfully’ theirs. What the answer to this is I don’t know.
Taiwan isn’t recognised as a separate country by many, even so if China invaded it would be terrible for their international relations and would be very damaging for them. If the U.S tried to stop them, firstly they really couldn’t from the point of view of conventional warfare in their own back yard China would win, secondly the whole area would be destroyed.
It's literally the equivalent of their been a coup in the UK with the Tories legging it to the Shetland isles . 50 years later they want independence from the UK with France deploying troops and guaranteeing their independence . Like you say incredibly complicated .....
The Pentagon recently stated that the USA could not win, if China invaded Taiwan. They also stated that they would not only attack Taiwan, but most likely Japan, South Korea and Guam, and possibly Australia. That would seriously put a dent in the Autumn Rugby internationals.
Cutting exports would absolutely cripple the US, but it would also severely impact their own economy, wouldn't it?
No doubt if he'd said the opposite you'd be moaning about his lack of backbone and calling for a strong leader like Trump.
It wouldn’t really change much for Taiwan if China took them over, I mean look how happy they are in Hong Kong
Sleepy Joe has been a nightmare for America, but riling China will be a nightmare for us all because the world would be in danger of ending due to us all being nuked to death.
True but whatever it makes it will sell regardless and china may feel a trade war more preferable than an arms race . https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielc...-deepens-with-potentially-fatal-consequences/ The way things are going over there a trade war may be ideal for them as they have major problems anyway and might not be able to meet global demand hence a cut in exports may alleviate national demand issues . A kind of kill 2 birds with 1 stone scenario .