Im sorry if im sounding a bit silly (i usually am) an inspection wasnt carried out last september? I thought clubs had to certify their grounds every how come it wasn't picked up last year? Sorry Gally not having a just very confused and i thank you for submitting more info.
Still seems a bit odd to me. Council was very clear that the extensive structural inspection found no issues. The club also stated following extensive structural inspections. Both of those are past tense and neither indicated at all that they are awaiting an inspection. The story seems to change every day in order to counter evidence against the club's current version.
My understanding is that there was an inspection and issuance of a safety certificate at the end of September but there were some recommendations and instructions provided with it which related to the concrete base and the perimeter wall.
Dont forget there are other issues. There was an asbestos issue in the roof that has already been fixed.
I still dont understand why the Club didn't reply to the councils missive with this fact though. Also I still dont understand why this detail is coming out in drip feed with shifting emphasis First it was fire risk after structural survey Then it was operation reasons Now its turnstiles and holes in the floor its almost as if someone is making it up as they go along - Now I am not doubting that there is a survey taking place but why didnt the club say so initially and maybe ask fans for temporary move whilst more checks take place and explain whats going on. That would have gone down a lot better - the original letter said closed full stop and more or less implied for the rest of the season at least Also why didnt our CEO explain this to the fans directly and the media rather than you having to post it on an internet forum
We're only asking for further clarification, not calling him a liar seeing as he's been told more than anyone else on this board.
Well aside from the long radio silence initally, the void under the West Stand, the holes, permiter wall and the abestos were all mentioned in last weeks meeting. I never got to chance to go through all my notes and compare what is written in the clubs summary of the meeting.
No void was mentioned in the club's own report of the meeting though and as I've said they constantly mentioned following inspections, not whilst awaiting inspections. What about all the other rubbish excuses about turnstiles and kiosk heights? I don't get why they haven't been picked up on this yet when we all know other stands have the same issues
Exactly. ALL of this is of the club's own doing. They are treating fans like idiots and drip feeding information through key people who they want to keep sweet. Gally has done nowt wrong and I hope he realises that asking questions is simply that, asking questions. Not having a go at him at all as he's really doing what nobody at the club could be arsed to do.
Im sure @Hooky feller or @Hicksy will agree they talked about the void in the meeting in relation to the fire risk assessment.
Was mention of surveyors coming in November made at the meeting @Gally because it wasn't on the radio interview from what I can recall?
Oh I'm not denying that they did, just saying that their own report of the meeting didn't include it which is just absolutely bonkers in my opinion and smacks of some kind of attempt at a cover up for some reason
It sounds like our defence. Did an opposition player run towards the wall when getting off the team bus?
Its also remarkable that non of these voids/holes/asbestos/fire /structural anomalies stopped our board and the other directors plus the press from attending. An absolute ray of fortune must have decended upon their seats to save them and let them keep attending in safety. As god knows, law suits would arrive a plenty if they were in any kind of danger.
i have to say that troubles me. If you have assessed something for risk. That risk would apply whether it’s 1 person or 2000. At work we get buildings assessed all the time both knocking em down and putting them up. If we did a report that said a building was a fire risk had big holes on the floor and a collapsing wall I’m sure yes we would shut it but we would also cordon it off and no one would be using it. I don’t pretend any expertise in this area as we have a team that does this sort of thing but we wouldn’t carry on using an unsafe building. We have shut building sites down for far less. At the same time when the building regs inspector comes out if he says it’s safe then we go with that.