I'm absolutely certain it won't be like this, but let's pretend there is a massive hole in the floor somewhere in the concourse at the back of the West Stand. It's much easier to shepherd staff and media people away from it than 1000 fans, a number of whom might have mobility issues, or a number of whom might have had a beer or two before the game. Or children. Etc. We're just speculating and that's is the clubs fault for not being clear and open about everything straight away. And if Khaled's English is letting him down someone else should be doing the talking. I'm not going to keep going going and on in all these threads, because I'm starting to feel like I am falling out with people on here, and I don't want that. I just wanted to try and look at it rationally, assuming what we have found out so far is factually correct.
I’m not arguing with you or anyone else just from personal experience there would be no way that we would be exposing members of the public to an avoidable risk. Given their are facilities in other parts of the ground and temp structures could be erected on can’t see how this can be classed as unavoidable
The biggest thing for me is still that the upper and lower tiers are separate structures built about 100 years apart. If anyone in the lower tier fell through a hole in the upper tier then I think we have bigger issues.
Not without evicting more ticket holders/sponsors. Couldnt meet the EFL media requirements by moving them journos either
For the first part I get that but if it’s good enough for your ordinary Joe’s it’s good enough for others. If it’s about minimising risk you could certainly minimise it by moving people from the West Stand to the exec boxes. For the press I accept it’s more complicated not beyond the wit of people to look to erect a temp structure to facilitate them but if you couldn’t do that by moving everyone else you would be keeping you risk to an absolute minimum what are we talking for most games 20 people max.
You can poke and probe and dissect all you like, but you'll never figure it out. The parties involved have all deliberately released very select morsels of info which are designed to prevent us from determining who's at fault. Which to me, makes them all responsible. No one can honestly look at all the info available and say that any one party is blame free. As I said a few days ago, to all involved - fix your sh it. I'm so fu cking pissed off with it all That's last thing I'll ever say on the off field issues, I really am done with it. The 11 guys on the pitch need my energy more than the board or the council.
they don’t own the ground. The neglect was under the former owner of the club who owned it for 14 years and counting
This post is up there with the levels of idiocy displayed when one poster claimed Patrick “almost went to prison” due to the lack of due diligence by the purchasers of iSoft
Ground penetranting radar's been around since the mid 70s. Why's it took until 2021 to figure this out?
Formalities asked for by the council appear to have been exaggerated by the club to suit their own agenda.
Wow! Never seen that corner building before, is it a club house? Any idea what year this was taken? Great photo. Monk Bretton church in background.
When you say separate structures are you referring to the seats replacing terracing in the lower tier? Or did they literally dig up the concrete in lower tier and start again?
One question are these holes in the floor of the upper or lower Tier. I’m assuming upper but now I’m wondering
That is a fantastic photo. The ‘old days’ when the scoreboard was guaranteed to work. You can just about see it in the photo.
They are all still there, just bricked up. I reckon they are the old changing room windows etc for light and ventilation. You can see them below the current DX signs on the stand currently. It’s the void between these rooms and the stand above where the issue appears to be.
I think it’s the old club shop before the Ponty end was redeveloped. It was there in part for a while before they built the new away end.