Welcome break from the recent topics of discussion........ Now, do I go for dip treated or pressure treated? Tongue and groove, overlap or shiplap? Pent or apex roof? Thanks in advance. Oh and Schopp Out (sorry, couldn't resist).
If you dont mind second hand Khaled has a large wooden structure he would sell to you Serious answer pressure treated for sure shiplap looks better but overlap is fine - most important is good quality wood
Heard it's not too waterproof with some structural integrity issues. Or reading another review, it's fine and fit for purpose. Oh the decision to make
We've got 2 sheds (and, for older posters, I'm not called Arthur Jackson). One is wooden, and we ended up painting it as it looked terrible after a couple of winters. The other is plastic, and never needs varnishing or painting. Better value in the long run, in my opinion. https://www.keter.com/uk_en/sheds-and-outdoor-storage/walk-in-sheds.html
I'd go the minimalist route . The bigger it is the more junk you tend to accumulate . I have a full size garage and I'm not looking forwards to sorting it out . Looking like it's going on next year's jobs list .
Give these lads a call Aardvark joinery 01226824508 Wakefield Road Barnsley S71 1PA www.aardvarkjoineryshop.co.uk Anymore shed advice needed ...I'm happy to help...yes the shed is the place to come..cough Once a shed always a shed....lol
Thank you for this,I need a new shed too. Can't believe how low priced they are,compared to other companies we've been to look at.