Nah its just banter and I take it as well as give it, we are definitely stereotyped through the land though, I call southerners shandy drinking skirt wearers ( I do know that's not the case) i don't take offence to it. Just give it back in the light hearted banter its intended
You’re the one comparing or did you forget what you’d posted ? “I've travelled around the country quite a bit in that time. The problem you have with the people in Barnsley is that they don't travel. They live there all theirlives, as did their parents and as do”
Pond life. Most on em not set foot in town since god was a lad. We have our numpties like any other place. But I strongly believe most of us have morals. And are Decent human beings. Lots that move to the area say it's the friendliest place they've come upon. I wouldn't want to move anywhere else.
Most people are stereotyped regionally I would imagine that’s a given , some people are ashamed some are not , I don’t see why anyone should be ashamed of where they’re from because of stereotypers or even their own prejudices . The worst of them being people who try to make their own people worse than anywhere else in the world as some on here are trying .
I'm sorry but that's rubbish. I don't think that Barnsley people in general look down on those who go to university, do office jobs for good money, have careers, nice houses or anything like that and I don't think anyone cares one bit where someone shops, whether that's m&s or the company shop. I think the one here with outdated attitudes is you because you're seeing something I'm definitely not and despite the fact you say you no longer live here it's amazing how you experience this so widespread as to say it's Barnsley folk in general. The only one I'd agree with you on is the private school thing but that is something that happens throughout the country not just in Barnsley. It's completely natural to judge someone who has had things handed to them on a plate. That's completely different to judging someone who has earned something for themselves.
I like the accent a lot when spoken by intelligent people. If the content of what is being said is interesting and well thought out then I love it. I love the rhythm of it, the economic use of words (we miss out half of them) the way words flow into one another to create words as long as sentences. Of course, I don't like the vox pops by low rent reporters who only air the views of those struggling for brain cells in an attempt to make the town look bad, but that's not the accent. The warmth and depth in the voice of a skilled orator with a thick Barnsley accent is magical.
Similar. Sionnach loves the accent and does a very good rendition of it. I think it's the same with most accents really. I love the Irish accents but, in the extreme they really grate. Sionnach is a Dub and I like her accent a lot as it's a soft version but the extreme, lazy vesions you sometimes hear are awful.
Me too! Wherever I've lived, and there's a few places, I've always promoted Tarn! Love hamming up the accent on occasion too. Which goes down well strangely enough
Very well said. Other than Ian McMillan there are loads of people that have pulled this off, the greatest of all for me is Brian Glover. Friend, wrestling partner of my Dad, but a great actor to boot. You can still be eloquent & have an accent. Look at Richard Burton.
To be fair I'm only a Wombwell Lad. Quite old now I suppose at 70. I didn't recognise the Barnsley which was portrayed in Kes and didn't quite connect with it. It was a different matter when I saw Brassed Off at a Cinema in King's Lynn where I was Lecturing when the film came out. Maybe that was because I was away from home for 5 days a week.
I knew you’d get pelters for this and now I’m inviting them upon myself too but you’re right in a general sense. Obviously, it doesn’t describe everyone in Barnsley by a long shot but there’s a hell of a lot of people it does, enough that there’s definitely an overarching feel of it. What makes me feel better about the comments you are receiving (and that I now will) is that I’d have been one of them replying to you had I not left. I would defended Barnsley against absolutely anything and it took leaving to make me re-evaluate some things. Of course people who haven’t left are going to disagree with you, you yourself would have too. It can’t be a coincidence that so many of us who have left, who have never met each other, hold identical opinions though can it? Enough of us to piss people off but yet still all be wrong? The people who are angry with you on here are clearly not amongst the people we are describing and obviously it’s fair that they defend themselves. As they’ve not left though, they don’t see what we describe as it doesn’t happen to them. That’s like a white person saying racism doesn’t exist or a straight person saying homophobia doesn’t because they haven’t experienced or participated in it. Obviously, it’s nothing like to those extremes and I’m not saying it is, I’m just pointing out that people can deny something that they see as an attack on themselves because they have something in common with those carrying out the prejudice, when really it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with those actually doing it.
Totally agree with you and Mido. I'm proud to come from where I'm from and have no issues defending it when necessary (not that most people care where I'm from). It does knock my pride though when I hear and see some of the views of my fellow Tarn-ites.
Agree with every word JamDrop, and thanks for bravely posting. I was going to mention your racism analogy in my posts but backed out of it so fair play for going through with it.
It’s your opinion fair enough but I know lots of people that have left through different reasons that don’t have this opinion at all . In fact one mate who was in the army and lives in Hereford would come back tomorrow if his missus would and he’s lived all over , PS I’m not at all angry with anyone .