Twas ever thus. Those at the top always get the good fortune. "Just won't go for Barnsley " summarises it up. But is it Schopp's fault? You can't blame him for players missing chances no matter how you may want to. This situation is impossible no matter how you look at it.
Yeah it's luck that he's masterminded us to 7 defeats in a row, this latest one being against a side who hadn't won at home in SEVENTEEN GAMES.
Not much of a stick to beat him with when most of us would pick five and the other one has played really well.
Sorry when you are playing a crap team that haven’t won at home for months and lose, luck don’t come into it. We know the players aren’t crap, so it’s got to be the set up and the system. Nice bloke but he’s got to go now if we are to have any chance of turning the season round a bit!
Had enough chances to win the game easily though. So the setup and the players created the chances. Each chance was greeted with a wonder save, a poor finish, a poor final decision, or an unlucky bounce or ricochet. The latter was the least influential part of why we lost, but it was so much better than anything we've seen since QPR.
S Sorry any other match that might be a viable excuse, but the facts are we still giving goals away and always under pressure. For me we get rid of Schopp get somebody to boost the confidence and we will be OK.
Yep. Taken in isolation, he gave a fair analysis. However, the pattern of conceding soft goals and then being unable to get back into the game shows no sign of going away.
Not saying he deserves to keep his job. But if we're talking about today's game and how we played today, my original post stands. It was a positive performance outside of the result - but the result matters now.
Judged by results surely!!!!......if Derby not been docked points then are bottom of league......end of!!!!......anybody shouting this bloke to carry on as about as much a clue about football as the man himself......please just sack him before too late.....
We might've missed chances today, and of course, Schopp cannot be blamed for missed chances. But he has us setup to be far too easy to create chances against. Easy enough for a team who's confidence was also shot to pieces to be able to get two goals against us. We're now 4 points from safety. That gap will only get bigger the longer he stays, he's simply not good enough.