My thoughts exactly. Actually a good effort today. Bit of bad luck, not great finishing, Still think he's out of his depth though!
The performance isn’t important at the minute, results are! And we’re not getting any! We were 1-0 against a team with a dismal home record, and yet we were so naive and chucked it away. The manager has to take responsibility here!
Am thinking there is a rule in Austrian football where skippers can't be subbed. Someone have a word.
No end product n massive holes at th back but apparently played ok mmmmmmm Int it abaft scoring goals n not letting them in
We absolutely battered them. They had a couple of moments on the counter attack as you'd expect, but we were as dominant as we could hope to be. I still can't work out how a couple of those chances didn't result in goals. Bouncing off the bar, off players on the line, wonder saves from the keeper. The payers really did give it everything until the last second.
You can jazz it up as much as you like but at the end of the day we’ve lost against a Bristol city side who’s home record was chronic and after taking the lead we couldn’t even make it to halftime before were losing again.Getting to the point where I’m embarrassed to call myself a Barnsley fan.
Credit to the players for giving it a go but we've lost to another poor team that took advantage of our kamikaze defensive line.
Ah yes. We played well against a team that had gone SEVENTEEN home games without a win. Whose confidence must have been shot. So that's ok then. We lost but things are bound to improve. Ffs.
Good effort.. but we are really poor.. Whoever comes in won't keep this team up.. Bristol City were nearly as bad as us. Should have got at least a point out of that.