After going to OAKWELL for over 50 years I am sad to admit that right now I am at my lowest ebb with my club. I havent been to the last three games and quite honestly havent regretted it. It is a result of rubbish football and behind the scenes turmoil. I listen on the radio but if I had to peel some potatoes or go for a poo I'd do it. I know things will change for the better eventually but short term unhappiness is overwhelming me and I am sad that 50 years worth of solid support in being swilled down the toilet. With my poo.
Posted a comment on another thread that I hoped we weren't heading for a Blackpool type situation. Sadly am now hearing talk of protests and gestures aimed at not only the Manager but the board and the whole set up..a brilliant post recently highlighted these people's attitude to all their clubs with most being in relegation or near it positions. I've often posed the question why are they here and sadly it looks like player trading is the only reason they invest in any club with the trading profit being used to buy the ownership and then whatever they sell the club for is profit....they will only lose interest when there's nowt left to sell..worrying times ahead.
I've always tried to put home matches first, doing all I can to swap days off at work for home matches (and some away days) and sacrificing other things I'd like to do. This season though, I'm not so sure ... and I need to make my mind up damn quick about a December match because train tickets are involved.
My son and I are now at the stage where we're keeping a running list of all the games that we could be (legitimately) watching on iFollow. At the end of the season, we'll assess the position and decide whether we want to part with £700(ish) on STs next year or stop at home and pay whatever the iFollow total comes to. At the moment it's not going to be a difficult decision.