Because there's likely only one way Brighton go from here, and his stock may never be this high again if he doesn't move now.
More relaxed atmosphere. Some coaches fail at big clubs because they can't adapt. Stay where you're comfortable unless it's irresistible.
If Spurs secure Conte and back him financially. They'll have a genuine chance of winning something. I think they'd have been better sacking Mourinho a week later than they did. Not saying they'd have beaten Man City in the League Cup Final but Mourinho would have had them better prepared.
Contrast the tenure of managers/coaches today with that of pre-premiership. Managers get sacked after a few months because of a run of bad results. So is it through the manager's incompetence, or the owners bad recruitment, or not allowing the manager sufficient time to turn things around or because failing to sack the manager in the short term would cause serious financial damage. Keeping with the Spurs as an example. In July 1976 Spurs appointed Keith Burkinshaw as manager and at the end of the season Spurs were relegated, but bounced straight back the next season. Burkinshaw went on to be Spurs most successful manager after another Yorkshireman, Bill Nicholson. Today Keith would have been sacked after the first four months. Other than the different 'football climate' now than then the main difference was Burkinshaw had a very good chairman in Sidney Wale whilst Nuno had a not very good one in Daniel Levy.
Pity he didn’t do it in Summer then before settling for 7th choice. Levy has made some real crap appointments over the years.
I agree. He had a personal record to maintain cup wise and I think he'd have set them up to maybe nick the win.