Gorlovka lovely ale, puts hair on thi chest. Always used to be my January pre match warm up in the number 7.
I love imperial stouts. And Gorlovka is probably the lowest ABV one I've come across that still tastes like an Imperial. Sadly this batch was about to go past its date given the problem with travel due to covid last year and London being in tier 4. Pity, but got through 24 bottles faster than I'd have liked at the wrong time of year and not at their freshest. I really like plum beers too. The latest Vocation one has plum in an impy stout (not bought any yet, but will likely get some before christmas). They seem to be pretty rare though, so whether its just very expensive to get the flavour through, or not as much supply, I don't know. Gipsy Hill Brewery did a fantastic plum mild called Anorak, but think thats not been revived sadly.
Think I've spent enough on Brewdog this year to keep you in work for the next 5 years mate. Gutted I was too bone idle to getting round to that share / investment offer they kept putting out; I really should have pumped a few quid in.
Aye, but that's not staggering distance home! New one from Taylor's, for me at least, Havercake. Donation to Capt. Tom's fund or summat. Very nice gear.
I got the Beer 52 one a couple of years back, the dark beers were great, but a lot of the lighter ones were bizarre, not terrible, but not ones I'd be rushing out to buy again.
I think the Nailmaker Plum Porter is pretty good. I slightly prefer Titanic's Plum Porter but it's decent all the same. Nailmaker's Chocolate Safari, Chocolate Safari Extra and Imperial Stout are all nice as well if you like that sort of thing