Not sure how much difference Laumann will be able to make in two days' training. But hopefully the players will feel a bit better for the change being made, but still expecting a 3-4-3 and use conceding another goal like the second Bristol goal. Key is whether we can react better to conceding than we have done this season.
I don't mind us playing 3-4-3 and grinding out some wins like we did last season until a new coach comes in. It'll be interesting to see if Laumann is willing to strike out on his own, make some bold selection and tactical changes and put his name in the frame for the job full time. Wasn't Murray the first one to go to 3 at the back after the dismissal of Stendel? Or was it after Struber?
I think Murray went 3-5-2, then Struber played a diamond when he first came in. Don't mind the formation, as long as the tactics suit the formation, which was never the case under Schopp.
Much harder to predict now but I think a draw to end our losing streak seems most likely. Going for 1-1
One minor correction. Derby have won away in the championship this season (at Hull) but I don't expect us to add to that tally tomorrow.