I'm hoping this works as I've never embedded an uploaded video before. But, some of you were around long ago when I announced my Son was on his way little over 15 years ago. Some of you, such as @Jay and @JLWBigLil also had the pleasure of seeing him growing up a few years as we sat close in the ponty end. During lockdown about 14 or 15 months ago, he asked me for a piano. I took advice from a "lady friend" at that time to not buy him what I thought he wanted, but if I could, buy him what he himself identified and wanted. I did take that advice. He plays this nearly every day, and he continues to wow me and my family, and it makes me burst with pride. So, I thought I'd share what he let me record a couple of hours ago. And if it works (fingers crossed) I hope you enjoy it as much as I do Cheers
Mate that’s fantastic and I truly doff my cap. To see such a talent playing such a piece like that is amazing. Embrace and encourage, I could listen to all day Ps I am a massive piano fan. Listen to yiruma all the time and had play some of his music at my wedding
That's entirely self taught. He doesn't want lessons at the moment, but I guess that may change as he becomes more confident He also can do maple leaf rag, which is another one entirely self taught. He is now starting to try and read and understand music. And at his age, I'm just blown away mate
My mate used to play piano. Was lvl 8 what ever that is. His mum and dad also had a caravan. So every weekend was party weekend when we were young. As much as we used to give him stick about having piano lessons etc, we were all in awe of him when he used to get on piano pjssed up at night. It’s a fantastic talent to have.
I'll add it to this thread in a bit. It was the first thing he mastered. I still don't know how he does it, it's crazy when you watch
And here is his maple leaf rag. Couple of months ago or so before I completely redid his bedroom in all things Barnsley colours lol
He's definitely got some talent. Are you sure that you didn't hire a professional pianist just to pretend to be your son for these videos? Seriously though, these videos are wonderful. The performances are nearly flawless and I enjoyed listening to them. As easy as it all seems for your son though, I think it might be a good idea to have some piano lessons, so that he doesn't pick up any "bad habits".
Lovely. Well done. My youngest taught herself - she practised all the time. Then we got her lessons and a keyboard and she’s stopped playing! :-(. I think it was good she had some proper training but there’s alot to be said for just letting them get on in their own way - even if they do pick up some unconventional habits.
Brilliant, one of my favourite pieces of classical music, not that I’m an authority on classical music but I love this. Well played young man.