Meant I could have a drink in the Dove for a change . They were all raving about Iseka, how quick he was to get in behind etc. They were a teeny bit jealous.
Had a quick look on their forum and they seemed to rate the Dove too. Before the match I was chatting to some Derby fans in the courthouse carpark ( they were well impressed with it being free to park!) and they were confident they would win. Didn't get their opinions after the match!
Always good to get an opposition or neutral perspective. A Rotherham fan at work was waxing lyrical about Styles this morning.
I was in the Dove too. My fortnightly entertainment watching the staff collectively work out how to use the till. At every transaction.
Seems like yesterday when Geoff(RIP) and Speedy run the Dove supporters club,must be 30yrs ago,and expectations wernt as high.
Still miss Geoff. He would have had a few choice words for the current situation. Not many, but certainly ‘choice’!
True Story. A couple of years ago me and my brother were in there my brother says to the landlords son not seen you in ages you been skiving *awkward silence* my missis left me so I couldn’t face it. More awkward silence my brother the says to fill the silence why’s it only pork pies these days I miss that pie your mam used to make tell her to get her finger out *awkward silence* bloke says well she died last week so might be a bit hard…