What a man. Even at eight flipping five he was doing Celebrity Big Brother winning over a new audience and being loved by housemates many of which didn't have a clue who he was.
It was a running joke that he was camp but wasn't homosexual. He was happy for people to think he was gay. That was part of his mystique. R.I.P
Got into cockney rhyming slang in the 70's. Wearing your Lionel Blairs. If something is close to going out of it's use by date I put it in the Dominik.
It reminds me of my best friend when I was at school. For anyone who has no idea what we're talking about, there used to be a daily afternoon show called Give us a Clue, hosted by Michael Parkinson with Liza Goddard and Lionel Blair as team captains. It was charades, except we didn't know it was charades because we were working class and Northern and our families absolutely did not play charades. We didn't have parlours to play parlour games in. It was just give us a Clue. It sounds crap and it was just cheap TV to fill airtime, but Liza Goddard and Lionel Blair were so nice and so charming that it was very watchable. The title song ended with the line I quoted above and my friend used to sing that line in an over exaggerated manner that just used to make me howl.
This is how nice they were: they used to sit in the seat of their guest who was doing the charades bit while they did it, presumably to keep it warm for them.
If I remember correctly it was on around 4 o'clock, so it got watched quite a lot having just come home from school, as it was just about good enough to warrant switching on as an alternative to doing homework.