Start a conversation with someone and it asks you if you're sure you want to like a certain members post. Does that mean they're blocking you? Or is it a site glitch?
In all seriousness I have also had the 'are you sure you want to like' message and now I'm starting to wonder!
When you see it you feel a right tw@t. You think why should I like their post if they think I'm a lovely person
Never had that ... so aye ... it means they hate you and, somehow, you're less popular than me. Regard it as an achievement and move on fella.
Me too. Not often, but it pops up now and again. I get the impression that it happens when it takes longer than normal to refresh a thread - a long thread full of music videos, for example. But I could be wrong.
What @Old Goat said.. I just got it for a poster, went back and liked again and no message! It's to do with large threads (vids etc.) just as Old Goat explained. I had to log out and back in too as I couldnt post for about 10 minutes, think system was crashing/overloaded. If that's all a loada rubbish, just remember.. it's not you, it's Callum