This has been in the news a bit recently as it's on the rise. It's happened in Barnsley too. **** like this shouldn't be ever happening. You shouldn't have to be so vigilant to your surroundings to feel and stay safe.
Wouldn't wanna be an 18-25 nowadays, back in the day didn't really concern myself with someone else drugging me or sticking a knife in me, go out, get pished, try not to fall over whilst walking home and if u did, pick a comfy bush to kip in.......ahh the life........ Hers was one of three cases. Three different venues. One of the three injected being a male. So there is either a person/group going around different venues or a number of different people out doing it on the same night!!!
It is sh*te. To think that people are genuinely scared to go out because of this. I had my drink spiked once in many years of going out. It was done as a "laugh" rather than anything malicious (ie - take advantage) and I was pretty pissed off with the group who did it the next day. Can't imagine having something like that happen and then waking up utterly unaware of what happened to you the preceding 10 hours or so.
Is this real? I genuinely don't think it's real. I don't think any of these spiking stories are real. I'm not saying it's never, ever happened. Everything has happened. But it doesn't happen. It's not a usual occurrence. It's not a part of life. It just isn't. I speak from a position, not of being scared at home reading rubbish in the media, but actually going out all the time and never, ever seeing it. It's rot.
Can’t imagine you have much to worry about, as a male. Doubt you’ve ever thought about it before going out either. Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I suppose we should class ourselves as lucky we don’t have to deal with this.
Or we could question media influence on society. This isn't a thing. As I said previously, I'm not saying it's never happened, but it isn't happening. It is not part of our society.
My view is that stabbing someone with a hypodernic needle is an attack, an attack that could prove fatal just as a stabbing with a knife, there are no mitigating circumstances...throw the book at the perpetrator.
This X a googol. See also the 'racism is everywhere/Yorkshire CCC is a branch of the klan' narrative; 'wu-flu is the plague' narrative; 'all men are essentially Wayne Couzens in waiting' narrative etc etc, ad infinitum. Never fails to amaze me how many dimwits are out there hanging on the mainstream media's every word/hysterical utterance.
It happens. Overblown in severity by the media? Probably. People equating drinking too much with being spiked? Possibly. Other people copying the reports in the media by spiking others drinks? Probably.
It's happened to my other half and two of our mates. Once in the old Polish Club during a tribute band performance a couple of years ago, twice in the town centre. It happens, and it's disgusting. Three lasses were jabbed in Ché Bar last week.
There was an interesting report by a journalist lady called Sophia Smith Galer who has done some investigation into this new wave of needle spiking. In conclusion it seems highly unlikely.
Now I have absolutely no idea how widespread drink spiking is or isn't and definitely no idea how widespread spiking by injection is or isn't but one thing I've always wondered is how does anyone know if they've had their drink spiked anyway? I get that a very small number of people will go to the hospital and have drugs tests taken to discover if they have anything in their system but that isn't what happens in the vast majority of anecdotal stories is it? In them someone wakes up tomorrow and says they had their drink spiked but how can anyone know? What's the difference between that and getting absolutely rat arsed? Symptom wise I mean Genuinely curious
I think it definitely happens, somebody spiking a drink or even the injection thing, I also think it (probably) gets used as an excuse by somebody who regrets their previous night actions. It will get blown up by the media, because that’s the way they work, but equally there are too many sick sinister ******** about for it not to happen, and will happen more especially whilst it’s in the news.I also don’t doubt there will be some smartarses who think it’s funny to poke somebody with a pin just to see them panic. The thing that gets me is where do they get it? I mean if I woke up one morning and thought I think I might give that a go, I wouldn’t have the first idea where to get hold of any!
You strike me as one of those "I do my own research, educate yourselves" people. However that "research" doesn't constitute reading peer-reviewed studies but is in fact watching YouTube videos and taking Facebook posts against mass media as gospel. If you are on Facebook then I can picture your profile posts now. I'd put my house on it.